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i was back to speaking to shawn regularly now. he was still a little moody, but he was definitely beginning to warm up to me. i didn't think he was a bad person or would be bad for me, i think he just has some bad days.

thanksgiving was coming up, and i was in my last college class before we would technically be on break. i was planning to drive back to my hometown today, which was about an hour away in a lower part of michigan.

i received a text from shawn while in class.

what are you doing for thanksgiving? it said.

i'm planning to drive home today and spend it with my family, you?

i had a feeling holidays weren't a good time for shawn and his family considering they lost his sister last year. i wondered if he was going to go to canada. i know he doesn't like talking to them very much, so i doubt he wanted to go see them.

shawn: my parents really want me to come home but idk

mila: i think you should but that's totally up to you

shawn: my uncle's heading there in an hour and i'm supposed to go with him

mila: it's completely your decision shawn

he didn't text me back after that. i really hoped he made the decision to go to canada with his uncle. it would be good for him to see his parents, i think. i know he thinks it would be too hard, but deep down i know he strongly!misses them.

it made me anxious throughout the day wondering if he was going to tell me whether or not he chose to go. but when i arrived at my apartment after running a few errands, i got my answer. shawn was waiting for me in the hallway in front of my apartment door.

"i'm taking it you didn't go?" i say to him, looking at him kindly. he just shakes his head.

"i kind of really wanted to see you." he mumbles. my heart warms a little, thinking maybe shawn really liked me too.

"you okay?" i ask him. we walk to my room
together and i shut the door behind us. i needed to pack a few things before heading home.

"i kind of wish i would have of went." he admits with a frown on his lips.

"why don't you drive yourself?" i ask. i was pretty sure he had his own car parked in his uncle's driveway, but i never really saw him drive it.

"i don't know if i'll be able to make that drive by myself." he tells me. sometimes i loved how honest he could be with me.

"maybe one of your friends would come with you." i suggest.

"i don't have friends." he responds. he's looking at me weirdly, as if he wants to say something else but refuses to do it. "and i don't trust anyone to come there with me, except..." he stops himself.

i raise an eyebrow at him. he wasn't trying to say he wanted me to come with him, was he?

"except who?" i ask.

"just forget it, i'm not going."

"shawn, you're going to regret not going. do you... want me to come?" i ask shyly. if he said no, i was going to feel very uncomfortable. honestly i don't even know why i offered; i have never missed a holiday with my own family.

he looks up at me from the spot he was sitting on my bed. "you would do that?"

"of course," i smile. "it seems like you could use someone there with you. i'll just have to call my mom and tell her i'm not going to make it home because of work or something."

"i don't wanna keep you from your own family." he tells me.

"it's okay, missing one thanksgiving isn't going to hurt. christmas is around the corner and i'll see them then. plus, i've always wanted to visit canada." i reassure him. he looks relieved, and i'm glad i could make him feel better.

"do you have a passport?" he asks.

i nod. thankfully i was planning to study abroad at some point in college, so i had gotten a passport not too long ago.

"it's set, then. we can leave whenever you're ready." he tells me.

when i woke up this morning, i had no idea i would end up traveling to canada with shawn and meeting his family, but i guess you never know what could change in just a few hours. 

drunk in love - shawn mendes.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora