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Baecrush senses the reality right away. The correct smells in the air and the sense of her 'crush' power.

She pulls out of the dark kiosk and sets unsteady legs on the floor.

Her head has a mild thrumming ache. That thing she could feel in her head when she was younger when her tutor challenged her often to do more with her 'crush' power.

The other person that had used her body must have practiced with 'crush' often. Baecrush sees areas of shifted dirt just past the edge of the Pinnacle building floor.

It is the smiles of the six women that draws her. She sees the young man too, but slips into the group of women with a welcoming grunt.

Her grunt comes out less course than she expected. The other person must have spoken often.

The grunts of the six women also was less course. Almost like a coo.

As Baecrush slipped in between them they had hands lifted. Expectant fingers, but Baecrush simply nestles in the small throng. She knows the beings in Pinnacle like the touch of fingers and hands. To be home is nice. To have the expected greeting and nearness is reassuring.

These girls slip to floor (as they do) and Baecrush sits down in their close embraces.

Baecrush looks at the young man. His eyes seek hers, but then they move aside.

They say very little. Baecrush finds the trembling 'path walker' girl nearest and hugs her. The two let out a sympathetic coo.

Baecrush slips away to the far side of large widest column. It is a place for private acts.

It is a place that has wind-blown unmanaged short grasses and grains.

There is something Baecrush wants to try.

She creates some earth anchors. Setup like steps. She steps unto them, lifting her body off the ground.

She performs a few small acts using a more active 'crush'. It is much like the 'thrusters' that were parts of games inside Pinnacle.

There were many learning stories when she was young. A 'crusher' lifts a pile of good grain and herself away from toxic threat. Lifting herself and the grain across and over moving waters.

She had not really comprehended those stories until now.

Misuse and waste of 'crush' was not approved. It was important to be ready and not tired. Lifting your own body with 'crush' was not really described or encouraged.

Baecrush was glad to prove it someplace away from other's eyes.

The success left her a bit giddy. She returned around the largest pillar and walked directly to the young man.

Without words or touching Baecrush, leads him around the large pillar along the opposite direction.

She sits with her back to the pillar wall to watch the grasses blow and he sits too.

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