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Fake news are all over the place, loud international freak out; schools are closing, people get fired and go on an unwanted vacations without payment, people are dying, people are living. There's an actual storm outside, with rain, and horrible merciless wind, and thunder... but it's actually worm enough outside to wear shorts... this is a CHAOS! Our environment is breaking apart each and everyday, and our world is changing more and more every second. ... a HUGE. CHAOS. 

Our front door opened. 

Oh thank god! She's here. 

Our house is like a tornado right now, Ilay and Lia hasn't stopped crying for an hour in my arms, and Maya isn't that far away from it as well, as she's clinging to us, trying to pretend she's strong, for us, for Amanda, Emalia and I, who are in charge of this huge tornado that's created a mess in my house. 

We all knew it was coming at one point. The death cases, the loaded hospitals... everything... we all knew it was coming our way, we just didn't know how fast it could possibly get here. 

Today was my last day of actually walking and going to school, things are closing like wild fire chasing wood with the wind. Everything is changing, and we don't know for how long or how much. 

I took another big breath, snapping at my sister, "would you freaking close the news already?! Or watch it on your phone with earphones! Seriously Amanda, there are three crying children in my arms right now!" I yelled at her in Spanish, but she ignored me, already aware of how I handle things when I'm under this amount of pressure. 

"Mom? You're here?" I yelled.

"No baby, just me." Sofie came into view, dropping her small beautiful, shinny new bag on the floor, with her sweatshirt and walking into the living room freely, like she lived here her whole life. She picks Lia up into her arms, taking some weight off me in the process as she strokes my sister's hair with loving arms and whispers her calming words. 

I am so in love with her. 

I can't remember a day in my life where I wasn't in love with Sofia Cabello, cause those days my friends, are useless in my eyes if they don't involve the love of my life in them. 

"cálmate mi bebé, respira conmigo cariña. shhh... that's it baby, calm down, breath with me." Sofia whispered to my sister as she rocked her back and forth in her arms. 

-I can't believe I might be a little jealous of my own little sister right now- 

Emalia finally cracked under pressure as well. I guess all that crying and news on loud settings in the TV and... well... the pressure to stay strong, broke her too. But I know it's mostly because she doesn't have to hold the strong facade anymore. One more adult means that one of those who remained in the room, can get back to being a child. And that's what she did as she ran towards my girlfriend, holding her waist tightly as she's sobbing into her. Sofia wasn't even that surprised though, she just kept on rocking little Lia in her arms with one hand, and with the other she held my young sister to her tightly while caressing her hair, now whispering calming words to the both of them as I stared at the sight with loving eyes.

So in love with her, I swear on my life.

She grew up so much in the last few months I didn't write to you.

So much.

She's even taller than me now, did you know that? She says its because she's the laziest and she sleeps all the time and I never find the time to sleep so I stay short. But meh, whatever, it's hot that she's taller than me. And her hair is longer than what it used to be too. She starts to lose all of her baby fat, like me. And her figure... okay let's not talk about stuff like that when I have two children in my arms and she has two in hers.

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