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The living room it is then.


Entering the living room we saw a beautiful women with blue tired eyes like Abby's, brown gold hair, like Abby's, and a soft smile on her lips.

The women and Abby look a lot alike.

Abby was shorter though; Her lips were more plump and kissable, her cheeks were rosier, her skin was more tan, and her eyes were more turquoise. She was more thin and small, gentle even...

they looked a like but not as much.

,The women had a small boy, with his arms wrapped around her left leg; while on the right leg she had arms wrapped by a small girl, a bit taller then the boy.

There were arms wrapped around her torso as well by a much taller girl, who I recognized from before when she walked into Abby's room, announcing their mother's return.

The girl looked up at the women and grinned while the women stroked her brown locks with one hand. The other hand, stroked the other small girl, who is on her right leg. she had brown gold curly locks.

Next to them there were two other girls. The tall girl, who I recognize as the tease who had also walked through Abby's bed room door. She was grinning down at the scene of who I guess is their mother and siblings. The girl was also holding up in her arms another small girl, both grinning and happy.

Abby's smile grew bigger and bigger by seconds as she let go of my hand while yelling-


She ran towards the women who was wrapped up in the other siblings' arms.

The kids quickly stepped aside, giving the girls space, just in the right time.

Abby jumped and wrapped her arms and legs around the women who quickly caught her and held her tight.

I grinned just knowing how happy Abby must've feel right now.

"I missed you" Abby whispered, but I still caught onto it.

"I missed you too sweetie. Who's the pretty girl?" She asked putting her down.

My cheeks grew red by seconds. I looked down hoping they won't catch how red they are from the simple compliment.

"Oh! Right! Sorry.." Abby laughed nervously and awkwardly, stepping closer to me.

"Mom, Amanda, Emalia, Maya, Lia, Ilay..." she pointed at her siblings telling me who's who.

The small boy who was at their mother's left leg, is Ilay.

The small girl with the curly brown gold locks who was at their mother's right leg, is Lia.

The girl who was hugging her mother and barged into Abby's room was Maya.

The tallest of them all who was also teasing Abby minutes before, was Amanda.

And the small girl who was in Amanda's arms was Emalia.

Damn that's a lot to remember!

"That's Sofia..." she grind and pointed at me.

"Sofe, that's my mother Ella, my big sister Amanda, my younger sister Emalia, and then my second younger sister Maya, my youngest sister Lia, and baby brother Ilay."

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