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Wait a second what?!

She loves me?!



I'm supposed to freak out though, right?

If I don't love her yet...

I'm supposed to feel guilty, or-or... I don't know! Something?

This is so confusing,

But, I don't feel guilty...

I feel good...

Like I can climb the Everest, Like I can get on a stage and sing in front of millions of people. 

I feel fucking amazing.

This is so confusing,

Did all the things I said I felt before... were-were how you feel when your in love? Was that it? 

Or was it how you feel when you like someone romantically?

Wow! That stuff is difficult! How the hell would I know all of this?!

This is so confusing,

Now that I think about it... 

When I first met Sofie, or even texted her... I liked her then. I mean, I liked her romantically.


And now... now my feelings are so, -so much stronger. Now I feel like I love her.

Do I love her?

This is so confusing,

OMG! SHUT UP! You think I don't know it's confusing?! Stop thinking it!




On that same day, I came out to my family as sofiesexual. 

They asked me what I was, I told them I have no idea, and then I decided I just like Sofie. A lot. I don't know if I'm into girls or boys. I'm into Sofie and that's what's Important. 

They didn't care. They said they love me no matter what. They said that as long as I'm happy they're happy. Such a cliche right? I thought so too... but that didn't stop me from crying into them, telling them I love them so much. We even Skype with my brother the whole time. He hugged his roommate -who is also his best friend and kind of like family too- because he was overwhelmed just like us so he needed that hug. As you can tell... it was an overwhelming night. But also, it was the best night ever. Sofie took me out, on, a, date! We went for a late lunch that she made on a rooftop she usually goes on when she needs to relax, and after we ate we watched the sunset. It was so fun! Even though, we made out most of the time. And at the end of it, she asked me to be her girlfriend. Of course, I said no! 

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