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"Let me go!" 

"Please! Just open the door!" 

I heard laughing from the other side of the door. "Or what? Loosen up a little granny, it's just a joke!" I heard Ivory laugh with her squad. 

Yeah. Just a joke. Of course for them it's a joke, they're not the one who's stuck at our drama class's small theater, are they? No. They're the ones holding the keys. They're the ones who locked and I'm the one who's locked.

But it's okay. I'm not even mad anymore, I'm used to it.

Isn't it the saddest thing you have to hear someone say? That they're used to rude behavior? that they're not even mad about it? 

"Just please, let. me. go!" I yelled, letting my feet hit the door as hard as I can. My drama teacher is going to be so mad I kicked the door... oh well, she's not gonna know anyway. 

Juliette, AKA; my drama teacher, was sick today, so Mrs.Cooper, AKA, our principle, cancelled her class. And of course, I was just that lucky that Ivory and half of her squad has drama skills... they auditioned for drama class a few years ago, and obviously -since I'm in this shitty situation- they got in. And Ivory made it her life's goal to make mine a living hell. 

"Your little pathetic friends aren't here to help you now, are they?" Nikki giggled. I heard a smack and Nikki whined an, "Ouch!" so I guess someone smacked her arm? Sounds like it... "why'd you do that for?!" She whined. I could practically see the others laughing while she did, so that must mean Ivory smacked her. "Cause I can." Ivory said, annoyance and disrespect laced all together with sarcasm in her voice. "This is getting boring, bye drama queen!" She said, I'm pretty sure she flipped her hair over her shoulders in a 'mean girls' way before I heard the clicking sound of the squad's heals against our school's floor. 


Now I have to wait till Lily or someone will notice I'm gone, -probably Lily- and come look for me. 

I checked my phone, trying to get it to open, but with no success considering I don't even have much buttery left. 

Aaand here goes my day... 

I was hoping it would be a good day, I was suppose to have drama class today, I made plans yesterday to go with my friends to the diner when we finish school today... I thought I could make it a good day even though Sofie is with Camila in Mexico. I hoped I could have a good day. 

Guess not. 


Hey guys! 

im sorry that this chapter is short but... um...

Take it like a bonus chapter? a glimpse of how abby's life is without Sofie... im also gonna update the next chapter about her life in school and her friends that are not sofie's and all dat...

oh! almost forgot: mirochoa im sorry i didnt update sooner!

have a great time zone! loveuallmycutebugs!

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