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Awww come on!

"Seriously Lily, what the hell are they doing here?" 

I turned to my 'so called' best friend, my shoulders down -I'm not even trying to stand tall, I don't have the strength for it right now- 

I look tired, 

I feel tired, 

I am tired. 

All I'm asking, is to get in bed for the next... hmm... fifty thousand years and get out of it only when the sun seems to rise hand in hand with the moon, or when white strawberries exists. 

Oh wait... 

I think I ate a white strawberry once!

Yeah! When I was eight, I think. 

So . . .

Really not a good example. 


"Abby, are you even listening?" Lily scolds, her hands on her hips as she raises her eyebrows disapprovingly. 

I shake my head. 

"I lost you somewhere when you said you were being a good best friend." 

Lily pulls out a mad face. 

Ha! She's the mad one? yeah right!





Ugh fine! I'll defend myself... *groans* 

"Hear me out! I didn't do it on purpose, it just happens when people are lying and I'm too lazy to listen to their excuses." I explain, immediately straightening myself up as she sighs annoyed and rolls her eyes at me. But before she has any chance of saying something else, I continue. "But please, by all means, you may continue lying- I mean, trying to explain yourself to me as to what in the hell Sofia Cabello is doing at our encouragement-game-day?" 

Oh yeah. 

I was pissed. 

So angry. 

I haven't talked to Sofia all week- 

Yes, I know, I might be making it harder by avoiding her but I... was hurt. 

So yeah, I was living in my closet basically- and no, I'm not joking. 

She came over one time, set on my bed and waited until I'll come back from school so she could talk to me about that day, (the one when I left her house without saying goodbye right after our fight) the problem is... I didn't go to school.  And when I heard her voice from downstairs, talking to Maya--which was a dirty move by the way- I had to hide somewhere. Knowing my little sister, She would sell me out for the right candy, for sure, and... Sofie knew that too. So I just stayed inside my closet until she left around dinner time. It was the most boring four hours of my entire life. 

Anyway, Lily knew we had a big fight. She knew I didn't want to see her, and she was also on my side on this, she told me so! So what on earth is she doing? Why did she talk to Sofie and her friends, and why is Sofie here?

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