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"Where is she?!"

Two loud voices demand in unison. 

They harmonized so well, that to Sofie, they sounded as one. 

"Where's who Kaki?" Sofie asks casually, not even bothering to turn around and look at her sister. She was too busy for that right now.

She was actually doing her homework for once. 

Why you ask? Why now? Well... she's whipped. 

Her girlfriend found out she usually skips her homework, and well, let me tell you... she didn't like it. So Sofie decided to do it, even though she can get away with anything she'll like without damaging her grade, cause she's "Camila Cabello's little sister!" 

At first, it bothered her to the point she cried at nights for the horrifying special treatment she got from everyone around her. It made her feel as though everyone is fake around her. Than, she got defensive and annoyed. If they're gonna give her special treatment, she's gonna use it to her advantage. But than... well... Abby came into the picture. And well... she kinda gave her a new perspective. But still, please don't get her wrong, she wouldn't of been sitting there, doing her homework, if her girlfriend wasn't working like crazy lately. 

But Abby did promise she'll make it up to her. And she was supposed to do it like. Half an hour ago. She's late. And although it hurts Sofie a little, she understands. Cause her poor girlfriend is trying so hard to juggle between school, work,  her dream and Sofie, that even Lily sees her only at school now. Scratch that, the only actual time her girlfriend has to herself, is the fifteen minute showers she has (I mean, more like twenty minutes but can you really blame her?) So no. Sofie isn't mad. She just... misses her a lot. And I mean A LOT...

"Hello?! Planet earth to Sofia freaking Cabello? Where is she?!" Only now did Sofie understood something very important. Camila is mad at Abby? Why? How can anybody be mad at Abby? She's always trying so hard... Everything, she's always trying so hard everything!

"Um... she was supposed to be here a little while back... she might be here anytime. Why are you asking?"

Sofie turns her head towards her sister in mid sentence. Her breath catches at her throat as she does and she jumps from her chair in surprise, her eyes as wide as possible, and the poor chair she sat on seconds before, was now lying lifless on the floor, Sofie's pans and pencils were flying everywhere. 

"Omg" she breathed. 

If Camila wasn't as mad as she is right now, she would've laughed at Sofie. You would've too if you were there. Really, you should've seen her face when she... I mean when- never mind, you'll understand in a minute.

"Wha-what is she doing here? How... how is it... omg" Sofie's breathing picked up and she thinks... she thinks she's having her first ever panic attack. 




"Baby? I brought ice cream, I'm so sorry I'm late I- Shit!

Abby's eyes are just as wide as Sofie's as she stares into green-galaxy-like ones, she was so surprised and shocked that the supermarket's plastic bag that was full of 'apology ice cream' in different flavors and different brands dropped to the floor with a thude.

"Abigail Katheryn Bella Alma, you are in big trouble!"


"I would say you have the right to remain silent, but you really don't."


"Abby I swear to god!"


Three pair of eyes stared deeply at Abby, some stared, some glared, but really it's all the same. 

"Are you gonna say something to your defense Missy?" She put her hand over her waist and raised an eyebrow. 

Abby took a deep breath before speaking...

"Hi Lauren." 


a super short chapter this time loves, sorry for the cliffhanger!! 








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