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Ivory and her squad blocked the sun from where I was sitting. 

It was lunch break. My friends and I were sitting in our usual table, I was ready to take a bite out of my sandwich when Ivory and her squad came into view, blocking the sun.

"I know I hate you and all, and you're an annoying ass, but can we have truce for a few weeks so we can get an A on this Utopia Project?" 

Ivory puts her left hand in a demanding way on our table to get my attention. Her main squad right behind her; Nikki and Lola, and are glaring at me one from the left, and the other from the right. 

"Well... are you asking?" I asked, amusement sarcasm and arrogance in my voice as I'm putting down my sandwich to give her my attention. 

"Um... yes?" She asks, confused and irritated. 

"Are you sure you're asking? Cause I heard no 'please' in there..." I smirked, placing my hands on the table as well. 

My friends got the hang of where I was going with this; they smirked too, leaning towards me to make sure that Ivory's squad understands that they got my back. 

I just love my friends!

"Are you for reals?" She asks, her right eyebrow is high enough for everyone to get her irritation. 

"I'm sorry, are you gonna ask nicely or not? Cause if not, I might have to ask you to step away, you're blocking the sun" I raised my own eyebrow, daring her, challenging her to do otherwise. My friends stifled a laugh as Ivory rolled her eyes. 

"Forget it. I'm not begging you." She growls. 

"Fine by me." I shrug, picking my sandwich back up and going to take a bite. 

I look straight up again, hoping to have a free Ivory view in-front of me, but she's still standing right where I left her off. 

"What are you still doing here?" I half groaned half whined from frustration, placing my sandwich back down with my own impatience. 

I mean, I'm not calling on no truce if she's not gonna be nice to me while we're on it. 

If it's truce it's truce, but if it's ;

"I-won't-lock-you-up-in-rooms-or-push-you-into-lockers-and-you'll-get-me-an-A-in-return"- Kind of truce, so no thank you

She needs to be nice to me, and she better start practicing right now, don't you think? You gotta start somewhere...

"Ugh fine!" She rolls her eyes, looking side-ways in annoyance before taking a deep breath, closing her eyes and putting on an overly fake smile. 

I raise an eyebrow again. 

"I know I hate you and all, and you're an annoying ass, but can we please have truce for a few weeks so we can get an A on this Utopia Project?" She asks, rolls her eyes when needed to emphasize the please. 

I smile mischievously.

Payback time bitch.

 I put my hand over my chin, staring upwards to pretend that I'm in deep though, 

"Hmm... it was better, but it didn't sound like you were being nice... right guys?" I look left and right to see my friends smirking and nodding their agreement, except for Emma who just looked disappointed in Ivory... I'll make sure to figure her out later.

"You should try again. This time maybe give up on all the "I know I hate you" part... it doesn't seem like a respectful thing to say to a person." I say, crossing my arms and looking at her with fake innocents. You know... I'm a great actress (wink wink).

She groans again, louder this time, takes another breath and smiles, 

"can we please get truce for a few weeks?" She says, a smile on her face but it's overly fake again, and her voice sounds monotonic. 

I sigh. 

"Here, how about you'll try this; 'oh dear Abby, would you please let me have truce between us for a few weeks so we could have peace and quiet while we work together on a project?' " I mimic a high pitched voice, dramatically clutching to my heart and forehead to make it seem like I'm going to faint. 

"Nu-fucking-uh am I saying that!" She demands, kicking her hand over the table again with force. 

"Okay then," I shrug, "bye-bye Ivory" I sing happily, waving my hand as goodbye. 

My friends couldn't stifle their laughs any longer, Lily even wiped a tear or two from her deep laughter. 

"Fine!" She kicks her lag, taking another deep breath but not bothering to fake smile again. 

I smile happily like a child who's been told they were right in an argument with their parents. 

"oh dear Abby, would you please let me have truce between us for a few weeks so we could have peace and quiet while we work together on a project?" She asks, her voice angry and dry, her teeth gritted. 

I shrug, "it needs more practice but I guess I'll let you go for now. Yes Ivory, I would love for us to have truce while we work together. It's so nice of you to ask, you shouldn't have." I dismiss her with my hand like a mother would do when her child's friend calls her by her last name. 

"But, you just- you said- UGH!" she mumbles angrily, shouting the last part of her sentence before walking away with her feet hitting the ground stronger then usual. Her squad mimics her voice; "yes, ugh!" Nikki says. "What she said!" Lola says right after her before they both flipped their hair over their shoulder and walked away. 

My friends and I watch her go, laugh until she's out of sight. 

"Way to go babe. You killed the monster with kindness." Lily laughs, patting my shoulder while giving me a side hug, a smile proud and amused plastered on her face. I smile back at her. 

"How could you kill a monster with kindness?" Elinor asks dumbly while looking straight ahead of her, as if she's trying to solve a mathematical Equation in her head.

"Oh Eli" Jackson shakes his head at his sister, tapping her head rapidly like a dog who tried to jump and fell backwards.

"What?! think about it! Its not really possible!" She growls, making us all laugh.

I just love my friends!


hey lovely strawberries!

how r u? 

hope u liked the short chapter.


have a great time zone.

oh, and camilashairr i hope u forgive me for taking so long and i hope the story makes you smile enough to miss it. thank u for reading it.


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