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"Say mercy..." I giggled

"Oh my god! Mer-"

"Abby mommy came-"

The door burst open to find a little girl that looks a bit like Abby, standing shocked, mouth wide open, staring at us.


Home" The little girl sighed.

"Emmy, I asked you to call her over not to have dinner with her!"

A more mature voice then the little girl's voice spoke before a tall brunette appeared standing near the little one and gasping from surprise.

I got control over my body (finally) and jumped off of Abby.

Both our cheeks were bright red and we were looking anywhere but the door.

"Well... I'm guessing you're feeling better" the older brunette spoke teasingly at Abby while she blushed harder.

If that was even possible.

My head snapped to my favorite view of all time; Abby's eyes.

"You were feeling bad?" I felt the guilt rush inside of me again.

She opened her mouth to talk but the brunette beat her to it.

"Yeah, she had fever this morning." She said as she stepped closer and closed, her hand is now over Abby's forehead.

"You're not hot now... I guess you magically healed her" she said and winked at me before going over to the door again taking the little girl out of sight while yelling over to us,

"Mom's down stairs!" And disappearing completely.

"Well... if it helps I think you're always hot." I winked as she blushed again

I held her hand, signaling for her to guide me to what or where she wants me to go.

She let her hair fall over her face, hiding her red cheeks.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" She whispered.

I felt my heart beat pick up again.

Sliding my hand over her hair and fixing it behind her ears I whispered back to her:

"I would love to."

She grinned and walked us down the hall, to the staircase.

I took a chance to look around at her house.

To really look.

It was beautiful.

There were a lot of pictures of Abby and her family. One of them really caught my eyes; Abby as a little girl with cat ears in her hair, sitting on a men's lap. A men who looks similar to Abby in a way. She was cuddled up to him and it looked like he was reading her a princess book.

I didn't have much time to think about it more before Abby kept pulling me down the stairs.

We heard voices coming from the living room.

The living room it is then.



I'm happy!!!!!

did you hear the rumors about Camren in the hotel room?

what did you think??

i love you guys! thank you for readinggg!!!!!!!!!!!

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