~Chapter #2~

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Ruhana watches Vineet leaving the house. She sighs. Her mother pats her shoulder.

"Give him some time, honey." she says.

"How much more time, mumma? It's already twelve years since that incident. Why can't he come out of it?" Ruhana asks.

"Everyone take their own time to heal, Baby." her mother says.

Ruhana nods negatively. She can't take Vineet's rudeness anymore. She knows that the incidents that happened in his past have made him so silent. But the other truth is that he has to learn to come over them and lead a happy life. After all, he still has a family. Ruhana's parents consider him as their son. They admire Vineet's bond with Ruhana. Her mother takes care of all his needs moreover, he calls them as Maa and Dad, just like Ruhana calls them.

Okay! She understands that Vineet lost his mother and whatever her mom does, she cannot take place of Vineet's mother in his heart. She knows he respects her mother in the same way he respected his mother, but exceptions prevail. And it's genuine,she agrees.

" He will heal. You have to keep trying, Ruhana. Your father and I are always with you, honey. One day, Vineet will heal himself and love you and care for you in the same way that you are doing." her mother says tapping her fingers on her cheeks.

Ruhana nods positively. She knows her mother is right. She will do everything that she can, in order bring her best friend, Vineet, back to life. She hugs her mother and leaves the house hurriedly.

" I need to check on him. Your son needs a lesson." she says before leaving while her mother laughs at her words.


Ruhana reaches the Walkers park and looks around to get a glimpse of him. She knoes he comes here whenever he is disturbed or sad. She finds him sitting on the bench. He's looking at the orange hued sky. It's his routine that he comes and sits here for hours. She sits beside him.

"You can't see such a beautiful scenario without me, Vineet." she spoke.

He looks at her.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

Ruhana glares at him. She knows he cares for her but she also can't see him alone. She keeps her head on his shoulder.

" I can ask you the same. If I should be home, then you should be home too. Mum dad don't say anything to you, it doesn't mean that you'll do anything that you like." she says scolding him.

"I wanted to be alone." he reasons looking at his best friend.

"As if you're not! You stay alone at home. You didn't tell anyone and came here. It's mumma who believes you otherwise, you can't escape." she says complaining to him.

He smiles lightly. He knows that he can't escape her. It's her parents who believe him. He knows that she cares for him truly. And that's the reason, she is here beside him. She chides him, teases him, scolds him, but cares for him as well. She's the only light of his life. His trance is broken by her.

" Where do you get lost? Say something." she chides him.

"nothing." he says briefly.

"Vineet! Don't keep your feelings to yourself. Share it. I know what you went through, and I want to help you. You know it, right? I want my best friend back." she says.

"It's not easy,Ruhana." he says.

"Nothing comes easy in life, Vineet. It's us, who make even the simple things complicated. It's you who is making yourself complicated." she says.

"Live your life. Aunty is looking at you only. She'll be happy when you'll be happy." Ruhana explains.

Vineet nods in affirmation. He knows she is saying the right thing, but it's him who is hesitant. He doesn't want to get hurt anymore, and so he stays away from people. He's happy with Ruhana, but it's only Ruhana who talks and Vineet listens silently. Things have changed since childhood. His reverie breaks as Ruhana pulls his hand to take him home and he lets her take the control of himself.

They reach home and finds her parents having coffee. Ruhana's mother looks at Vineet.

"All well?" she asks.

"Yeah! Except that our little girl is angry." Vineet comments teasingly taking his seat near her father.

"All because of you, big boy! Though, you're not so big." Ruhana retorts glaring at him.

"He's responsible, though." her mother comments.

"Yeah! He's responsible and that's why he leaves the house without telling anyone. And you don't scold him." ruhana complaints.

"She knows everything and she doesn't roam behind me." Vineet says teasingly.

Ruhana glares at him while he giggles accompanied by her father. She knows he's teasing her, yet she can show some attitude. She throws a cushion on him.

"Haww! That's so bad. Okay!! Now I'm not going to talk to you. And I'll not come behind you. And you will miss it the most. Huh!" she shouts at him and moves to her room.

Vineet smiles at her. Her father persuades him to go and convince him, which is going to be hard, he knows.

To Be Continued.

Will Vineet be able to convince Ruhana?

Stay tuned.

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