~Chapter #21~

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After having the ice cream and some fun on the Gateway of India, the professors ask everyone to assemble back in the buses. Ruhana is reluctant to leave the beautiful place. She is still looking at the water washing the shore. The music of the water hitting the shore is calming her chaotic mind. Her eyes are fixated on the flowing water.  Her friends call her but it seems that she didn't listen. On the other hand, Vineet is busy assembling the students. He’s counting the students on the bus that he’s allotted when he finds Ruhana missing. He asks her friends and they point towards Ruhana who’s standing near the shore.

Vineet fixes his gaze at Ruhana. She’s standing near the banks of the ocean. He calls her name aloud but she didn't hear him. He shook his head and ask the other students to board the bus while he moves towards her. He knows she loves beaches and oceans, but it’s time to return back. Also, they are not on a vacay trip, they are here on a tour from their college and they need to abide by the orders of their teachers.

He stops near her and finds her smiling. The smile on her lips lights his day, today too, he smiles while looking at her.  He taps on her shoulder to bring her back into reality. His warm touch breaks her trance and she looks at him.

"It's time to go Ruhana." He says holding her hand.

Her face fell off. She looks at the ocean. Of course, it’s a beautiful sight to the eyes. She looks at him.

"Vineet, some more time, please. It's so calm and beautiful here. I don't feel like going from here." She says innocently.

He smiles looking at her. This place has calmed him as well, but as every good thing ends, this day also has an end. They need to head back to the hotel. Another beautiful day is on its way. He looks at her friend.

"No Ruhana, look everyone has boarded the bus. Let's go. We have so many places to visit tomorrow.” He says.

She pouts at him while he giggles. They both know that they have to leave this place, but none of them wants to go back. Silence prevails between them for a few moments. Vineet sighs deeply and holds her hand.

"We can come here again Ruhana." He says.

She looks at him and then asks him for a promise. He has always kept his promises, yet she asks for one again. Only, he can bring her back here to this beautiful place.

"You have to promise me that we will come here again." She says as she tightens her grip on his hand.

He agrees at once. Or you can say he has to agree, otherwise, he knows it's hard to convince her. She is the kind of girl who seeks anything that she wants, and she’s like this only for her parents and Vineet.  She nods positively and they walk towards the bus. As she enters the bus, she finds that her friend has kept a seat safe for her. She moves towards her and sits alongside her while Vineet moves into the driver’s box. She can watch him having a talk with the driver.

Meanwhile, her friend Priyanka nudges her.

"So Ruhana, what did Vineet say that you came without any cross-question?" she smirks at her as she finishes her question.

"What do you mean Priyanka?" Ruhana rolls her eyes at her friend, knowing well that she is teasing her.

"I mean did he say he loves you?" She teases her while Ruhana hits her playfully on her arm.

Priyanka giggles at her action while earning another slap on her arm by her friend.

"What wrong did I say? I know you like him. Now don't say he is just a friend!" Priyanka glances at her.

Ruhana glances at her friend but didn't reply. She is lost in his thoughts. She knows he is more than a friend to her. He is special. He’s the reason that she quits being with her friends.  There's some reason that she wants him to be back to his usual self. Vineet’s sadness makes her sad, and his smile causes him to giggle.  And this is not something a friend does to you.

Ruhana glances at him and finds him in deep thinking. She shook her head and at the same time, he glances at her and she gives him an irritated glance. He smiles at her irritation. In the meantime, they reach back to the hotel. She keeps sitting on her seat as others move out. She is the last one to board down the bus followed by Vineet.

The students are instructed to meet in the restaurant of the hotel by 8 pm. Ruhana checks her watch and it is 7:15 pm. She moves towards the garden when her friends stop her.

"Where are you going? Have some rest and freshen up before dinner." Priyanka says.

"No! This is so beautiful. I'll stay here. There is a swing here as well." She replies cheerfully, pointing to the swing placed in the garden.

Priyanka and others sigh. They knew it's not easy to convince her. Though Ruhana didn't like being alone, this place has its own magic. Or maybe, she wants to stay apart from her friends. Her friends leave after she tells them that she will join them in twenty minutes.

Ruhana moves into the garden and sits on the swing. She is savouring the evening wind when someone pushes the swing. She looks back and finds Vineet behind the swing. He smiles at her and gives another push to the swing while she giggles as the cool winds touch her face.

"What are you thinking?" he asks while looking at her.

She nods negatively at his question while he sits on the swing beside her and lifts her chin up.

"I know something is there in your mind. Now speak up!" he says.

She looks at him in awe. He always knows it when there is something in her mind and heart. Even if she doesn't speak, he knows it and he finds solutions to her unsaid problems and answers her questions, which she didn't even put up to him. She looks at him and he raises his eyebrows at her. She pouts cutely.

"You'll be angry. I'll not tell you." She says in a childish tone which makes him laugh.

She usually does this as her kiddush attributes make him smile. She glances at him and pauses for a few moments. His laughter is free and musical, as she always thinks about it. She has always wanted him to keep smiling like this. Their gazes meet, his being questioning one. She smiles at him in answer. Silence prevails between them, maybe the much-needed one. She rests her head on his shoulder, like always. He keeps his hand on her cheek and she closes her eyes, that is a serene and peaceful moment for her. Usually, whenever she is troubled or upset, they'd sit like this on the swing back at their home and he would play the guitar for her. But it is a feeling that they both never understand, or they never tried to. Meanwhile, Vineet's mobile rings, he attends the call and then they make their way towards the restaurant for dinner.

To Be Continued.

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