~Chapter #20~

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After a long drive of an hour, they reach the  Gateway of India.  The students, especially the girls, chuckle to see the large ocean around. The Arabian Sea eventually leaves everyone in awe, be it girls or boys. The sound of the water moving on and off the shore creates the most melodious music.  The girls chuckle seeing the environment which is pleasant and silent. Only a few people can be seen near the shore. The girls run towards the shore while the boys get busy talking with each other, about the history of the monument.

Vineet is busy talking to Rohan, when he feels a tug on his hand. He turns around to find Ruhana. She looks at both Rohan and Vineet. It seems like she's annoyed as both the boys are just talking and not enjoying the view around them.

“What are you two doing here? There is a vast ocean around! Come , let’s go and enjoy!” she says as she holds their hands in either of hers.

“I asked him the same, Ruhana. But he wants to hear the boring history about this place. So, arrogant he is.”  Rohan says, making a face towards Vineet.

“Hey!! He’s not arrogant. Dare you call him like that!! ” Ruhana says, glaring at Rohan.

Rohan giggles at her words. He isn't surprised, in fact, he knows this will be her immediate reaction. He knows Ruhana can hear anything but won’t tolerate any foul words for Vineet. She would get angry if anyone talks in that manner, that too, for Vineet. Rohan smiles lightly.

"I know. But your friend will listen to you only."  he winks at her and leaves the place, leaving Vineet & Ruhana alone.

Ruhana glances at him and smiles. For her, Vineet is always a sweet, caring person. He takes good care of her and they are lights in each other's life. He has been a great friend to her since she was born.  He has always understood her when her parents didn’t. Getting approval for the Mumbai trip was also his idea. She didn’t say anything, but held his hand and pulled him with her towards the bank of the sea. He followed her without any question. She is chuckling while watching the waves go up and down.  Just then a boat catches her attention. She turns to Vineet while the guy just assures her with his eyes. Maybehe knew what is her next demand? He denies at first. After all, they can’t go boating alone.

She insists him and then he agrees. She chuckles with joy getting his permit. She moves to call her friends but they deny. Some of them just want to sit on the shore and enjoy while Ruhana wants to go on the boat and enjoy the moment. Vineet gets a boat and they hopped inside. He begins pedaling the boat. He glances at her and found her playing with water.

Her open hair are flowing with the wind and a smile is playing on her lips. This is the sight he longs for. He is lost in her for a moment, but comes back to his senses when she sprinkles water on his face. He looks at her and finds her giggling at what she just did.  He couldn’t help but smile.  She glances at him, a small smile from him is enough for her, but she wants him to be in his own self.

“Vineet, don’t give this sad smile. At least you can be happy.” she says.

He downs his gaze while pedalling the boat. He knows she is  right. Being sad won’t make any change in his life.  He also knows that it is only her, who understands even his silence. It is herwho wants him to be happy.  Even she did some things in order to make him smile and speak. But, overall, it has been his decision to be silent.

In all these thoughts, they reach the bank and he helps her climb out of the boat. They hear being called by the professors. Ruhana holds his hand and looks into his eyes.

“Please Vineet, at least show that you’re happy. Being in your own world won’t help. I want my old Vineet back.” She says looking in his eyes.

He glances at her but doesn't say anything and leaves with Rohan , who is  calling him. She sighs as she watches them walk off. At the same time, Ruhana is hugged by her friends and they walk towards an ice-cream stall. As the girls relish the ice cream , they hear the teachers calling them.. It's time to call it a day.

To be Continued.

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