~Chapter #13~

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Vineet and Ruhana spend some time together and later call it a night. Since Ruhana has seen him weaken, she takes him to his room, and asks him to rest. As she begins to leave, he holds her hand and asks her to stay by his side. Ruhana is surprised, but she knows that he is weak at the moment, he has told her a secret, that moment of the past, since when he has hated his dad. She sits beside him on the bed and he holds her hand, and then he begins to speak about her father, as he was the one who used to take both Vineet and Ruhana on rides. They trail back into the past.

*Flashback Begins*

It's a fine day, Ruhana's parents leave Ruhana at Vineet's place, as they have some urgent work and Ruhana denied going with them. Shivani, Vineet's mom, assures her friend that she will take good care of Ruhana. Rekha smiles and leaves with her hubby. Vineet takes Ruhana to his room and the two kids start playing. Meanwhile, his mother brings pudding for both of them. Ruhana chuckles to see it and thanks Shivani. Shivani asks the kids to have the pudding and play in the room itself.

The two kids play along, they made a castle with the building blocks, and Ruhana chuckles.

"This is ours, promise me, you won't give this to anyone." Ruhana looks at Vineet cutely.

"No! Lets keep it here." Vineet says and picks up the castle on his study table.

Ruhana smiles and she further watches him as he sticks two stickers on the castle, which happen to be the first initials of their names. Ruhana chuckles and she hugs Vineet out of excitement. He laughs and then they begin to chase each other as Vineet teases her. Ruhana runs out of his room and Vineet runs behind her, but before he could stop her, the little girl bumps into someone - - his father.

Vineet shivers as he sees him. It's after that incident when he saw him beating his mom, he has been distant towards his dad. Vineet holds Ruhana's hand, but it's too late. His father shouts at them, especially, Ruhana. The little girl shivers at his loud voice. She hasn't met him so far, because usually, Vineet comes to her house or when she comes to his place, his father is usually out for work.

The man scolds both the kids, until Shivani comes into the scene. She asks vineet to take Ruhana to his room and lock the door. The boy obeys his mother, and the two kids rush to his room. Ruhana sits on the bed holding her hand, as his father held her hand tightly, and the finger imprints are clearly visible. Vineet holds her wrist carefully, as if it will heal the pain, but the girl keeps her head on his shoulder, as they sit silently. She neither asked about his dad, nor did she question him, for the loud voices from outside the room are answering their questions.

*Flashback Ends*

Ruhana comes out of the trance as Vineet's grip on her hand tightens. She looks at him and smears her head, his eyes are teary. She wipes his tears and asks him to relax.

"It wasn't your fault, Vineet. It's your dad's fault. You can't find love twice, or you can't force love on anyone. And i dont want you to regret. You refer my parents as Maa and dad, then move on for them." Ruhana says softly.

"You remember the castle we made?" She asks, while he points towards his table.

Ruhana spots the castle there itself, she frees her hand and picks the Castle. She looks at Vineet, who is now sitting straight. She makes him hold The castle.

"If this can stay as it is, irrespective of everything that happened in the past or still happens, why can't we? Why can't we walk past the bad memories?" Ruhana looks at Vineet.

Vineet looks at her and then at the castle in his hand. He smears it and then looks at him, while she is intently looking at him. He places the castle on the side table and holds her hands. She is truly the light of his life. She has said the right thing. He should surely move on in his life. Ruhana smiles at him.

"I am not forcing you, Vineet, I just want you to be happy. Shivi aunty will stay in our hearts always. She is right there in the sky looking at us. You know how much she loves us." Ruhana says while looking at Vineet.

"You're right, Ruu! I promise, I will keep my words. Ma says it right, it takes time, but things heal. That's the reason, thinking about him, doesn't pains me anymore." Vineet says, talking about his father.

"He's not worth it, Vineet." Ruhana says.

Vineet nods his head affirmatively and pulls Ruhana in a hug. She begins to pat his back, to calm him, while the young lad falls asleep in her embrace. Today, it's the opposite happening. She makes him lie properly on the bed and covers him with the duvet. She sets the temperature of the AC, and then pecks his forehead, wishing him good night, and she leaves the room.

While leaving his room, she glances at his calm face, maybe, the new morning will bring her old friend back. Silently praying for the same, she walks to her room and calls it a night.

To Be Continued.

Will Vineet overcome his past?

Stay tuned.

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