~Chapter #16~

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Ruhana and Vineet go out on a stroll and buy ice cream. Ruhana is happy that Vineet came by himself. She watches him as he purchases two ice creams and pays for the same. There is an ice-cream vendor who arranges his stall outside their society. Vineet turns to her and hands her the icecream. It's chocochip as she likes while his flavor is Vanilla. Ruhana looks at him and thanks him. He is surprised at her words and holds her hands.

"Thanks Vineet!" Ruhana says.

"For what?" He asks, trying to be unknown.

"Don't act unknown. You know why I am thanking you?" Ruhana says while savoring her ice-cream.

"You know that you mean a lot to me. You're my best friend, I can leave anything but not you. And today, you made me happy. Thanks for that." Ruhana says.

"I had to do so. I know what you want from me!! And I promise , I'll try to be the one you want from me. "He says.

"Really!!" Ruhana looks at him keenly and he nods affirmatively.

Ruhana jumps on her toes and sidehugs him out of happiness. This gentleman has promised her about something and she knows he will keep his words. He will abide by his words.

"I am really glad about it ,Vineet. Thank you. Now, this trip will be a memorable one. Our Mumbai Trip!!" Ruhana says and Vineet smiles softly.

The girl is back in her own self. He pulls her in his embrace as they reach home and they remain in the same position for a while. Ruhana has a smile on her face and later, they head to home, content with their own selves.


The  days pass and Vineet is trying his best to be the person he was, but as usual, it is difficult to come out of your shell. Vineet is trying his best to not let Ruhana feel down. He knows she only wants to see him happy. Soonish, it's the day to leave for the trip. It's Saturday and it is a 10 day trip.

The morning is quite different from all other days. Ruhana is quite excited for the trip. They are going on a trip to Mumbai, her dream city. She has always heard of Mumbai as a big city and that she could meet her favorite stars there.  And tip of it, She will be attending the concert of Raj D'sena, RD - that's what everyone calls him - he is not any famous singer, but he is quite good at his part. Adding to it, her college has organised for RD's concert and she won't  let the chance go anyway.

She is jumping off around the hall quite excitedly as her mom is packing eatables for them and instructing her to take care of her and of Vineet ofcourse.  She hugs her mom.

”Relax Mom! We will be fine. After all we are much grown up and Vineet is there, why are you so tense?” She asks her mom.

”I am not tensed. I just want you two to be fine. Okay!”   Her mom replies while looking at her.

Ruhana smiles as she understands her worry. She kisses her cheek.

”Relax Mom! You needn’t worry until Vineet is with me. And I know, you trust him more than me. “ she finishes her statement.

Her mother smiles at her and decides to tease her. She knows she doesn't need to worry until Ruhana and Vineet are together, yet  a mother's heart is always worrying.

”Of course I believe my son more than you. At least, he is quite responsible.” She says teasingly.

At the same time, Vineet comes there. He greets his Ma and then looks at Ruhana. She sighs ,he's back to his head mode, he is concentrating on his duties that are given to him.

“Ruhana, Be quick! We’re getting late. The buses will leave by 8:30.” He says as he picks a glass of water.

She smiles at her best friend, and knows that he’ll be in a hurry. After all, he has got some tasks to be done. She hugs him lightly.

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