~Chapter #50~

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Vineet and Ruhana have a banter and Ruhana’s mother pacify the two souls. The lady tells Vineet that it is the time for him to act and not to just keep trying. Vineet agrees with her. She is his mother only, in the past 12 years she has cared for him like she does for Ruhana. Both of them are her kids and she knows what’s better for her children. How can she let them go on the wrong path, she has to pave their way and make them realize the reality that life throws at them. Vineet ends up hugging his Ma who pats his back.

“I know, you will do the best. You already know what’s best for you and for your best friend too.” She says.

“Uh! He doesn’t know anything. Your boy is not too good to understand. He never listens to me.” Ruhana says making a face.

“Hey, don’t speak too much. It’s between me and Ma. Stay out of it, okay?” Vineet rolls his eyes at Ruhana.

“I will! I am already between you and Ma. Actually, Maa is between us. Haha! I’m not going anywhere.” Ruhana whines as she looks at him.

“And you’re stuck with me in this lifetime. You’ve got no lease, you know!” Ruhana rolls her eyes and slaps his arm lightly.

“So bossy you are! Ma, see, she teases me like this.” Vineet tends to complain to the lady who just smiles.

“So what? You’re the same, Mister!” Ruhana glares at him.

Vineet glances at her and she glares back at him, telling him that he’s always irritating her and never listens to her. He makes a face but Ruhana is adamant about teasing him. Meanwhile, her dad joins them and kisses Ruhana on her head. The girl complains to her dad about Vineet but he only praises the young lad. Ruhana makes a face but soonish, they finish the breakfast and Ruhana’s dad drops the two kids at their college. He wishes them luck and kisses their heads softly.

It’s a new day and Ruhana and Vineet have started their day with a cute banter. Ruhana is relaxed to have him smiling. She knows that things will be better for the day today. The rest of the day passes in a blur. Around 4 PM, they meet on the college premises. Ruhana rushes close to Vineet and hugs him.

“How were your projects?” Ruhana asks Vineet.

“It was good. Ma was right, things can be better if we try,” Vineet smiles at her.

“Yay! Finally, you got it! I am so happy, Vineet. So, it’s the time for a treat.” Ruhana chuckles.

“Of course, Ruu! Let’s go! There’s a Baskin Robbins parlour nearby.” Priyanka chides them.

“Yes yes! Today’s the last day of college! Let’s go!” Ruhana says and entangles her one hand on Vineet’s.

Vineet can’t deny the fact that it is the last day of their college and they should enjoy it. This time won’t turn around again. The group reaches the ice cream parlour with a lot of hustle bustle. They’re happy and sad, both at the same time. They’ve to go through the examination now. But, they are glad to have the fest and the prom after that. This is enough to keep them perked up.

May be, this short break, the joy to meet again is keeping their spirits up and they’ll gather with extended enthusiasm and make their fest a highlight of the year. Ruhana also hopes to keep up her spirits and bring Vineet out of his shell.

Maybe, this time is worth it.

To Be Continued.

Will the wait be worth time?

Stay tuned.

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