~Chapter #37~

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It’s the day for shopping and as of now, Ruhana is missing. Priyanka and Shubhi are in the cafe worried about their best friend. Vineet is also worried about the girl. She has gone to purchase a handbag and now, she’s missing.

Vineet is already angry with himself as he has hurt Ruhana. The girl is missing and this has doubled his punishment, he feels so. It feels like she’s doing this only to punish him. He is meddling with his thoughts when Priyanka breaks his trance.

“Vineet, please do something. Ruhana should have come by now.” Priyanka says worriedly.

“Yeah, I will see. You and Shubhi, keep trying to call Ruhana.” Vineet says to which the girls agreed.

Vineet moves out of the cafe to look for Ruhana. He’s panicked upon not finding Ruhana near the cafe. Well, for Vineet, he has promised her father to take care of her. But she is angry at him and now, she’s missing. He can’t bear the punishment any longer.

“I just hope that she’s fine.” Vineet murmurs softly.

“She must be shopping. Relax, Vineet.” Rohan comforts his friend.
“No! She’s in some proble, I feel. I am going to look for her.” Vineet says and walks ahead.

He’s worried for her —badly worried and tensed. She just wants to see her alright, only then his aching heart will find peace. He’s constantly calling Ruhana but the girl is not picking up the phone. He throws his hand in the air sighing deeply.

“Where are you, Ruu? I am sorry! Itni saza toh mat do.”

Vineet murmurs to himself. He is missing her badly. He knows how it would have hurt her when he does not talk to her properly even when she asks him. She always gets to know if he is upset, in pain or if he is happy. Yet, he demands space and she readily agrees. But, since a day, he is feeling an emptiness while she must be feeling it even when they’re together. He sighs again, he has to apologise to her. He just needs to find her—his sunshine — Ruhana.

Ruhana purchases a handbag from the shop and moves ahead. She's in a hurry to reach the cafe but it seems like the stars are not in her favour. She's walking until she finds a bakery, that too one of a king. It's named RDz and it is famous for its cupcakes. Though they can get it at the cafe where they are having lunch, but out of her excitement, Ruhana runs inside the bakery and purchases some cupcakes and chocolates. As she steps out of the bakery, it starts to drizzle. The shopkeeper allows her to stay inside the shop until the rain stops. But, the case is different. The rain is not stopping. Ruhana decides to walk to the cafe. What else can she do? Maybe she will go back to the hotel and change her clothes. It won't harm them as its shopping day for them.
Making up her mind, the girl thanks the shopkeeper and steps out of the shop. The rain is always dear to her but today the case is different. As she moves ahead, she trips and fall on the road, spraining her leg. She sighs deeply as there's no one to help her out. All she can do it's to help herself.

Vineet is searching for Ruhana frantically. As he moves forward, he hears some giggles from the street. Vineet looks around and  he finds a gang of boys he encountered earlier in the day while strolling around. He had scolded them for teasing girls and also asked them not to cross their limits. He feels that Ruhana might be in some sort of problem.
He walked speedily but didn't find anyone or didn't see anyone due to heavy rainfall. He stands in a shade to save himself from the rains.

“Where are you Ruhana??” he asks himself clenching his fists.

Rohan comforts Vineet. He says something that leaves Vineet thoughtful.

”It is because you feel it. She might be okay, but because you are worried for her, you are having bad thoughts. Maybe, she is in any shop saving herself from the rain. ” Rohan says.

Vineet looks at his friend and agrees. Yes, it is raining and she might be in the same shop where she went to buy a handbag. He should keep looking, and she will take care of herself, obviously. He should not worry so much.

"You should not hold your feelings, Vineet. She is special to you. And you're being strict - - not only to Ruhana but to yourself, also. Just drop it, befriend her, Love her like she does to you." Rohan says and Vineet is surprised.

Okay, she is someone he can't imagine his life without! But he doesn't want to hurt her. He might not be able to love her back. He's afraid to loose her, to lose her love. He can't let her walk away. He has to find her now..

As the rains subside, Vineet begins to look for Ruhana. They walk into the market and meanwhile, familiar sounds reach his ears. It's like someone is in pain. Vineet walks ahead and is astonished to find Ruhaan sitting on the stairs of a shop, completely drenched in water. He rushes to her.

“Ruhana, where were you? Do you have any idea how tensed I was? Atleast you could call. I told you to be in the group, why did you leave Priyanka and Shubhi? And what happened?” he asks all questions in one go.

“Nothing Vineet. My ankle got twisted and I lost the path because of rains. You should not worry. " Ruhana says.

Vineet massaged her ankle and asks her if she can walk. She agrees and then Vineet helps her to walk. He stops an auto and they head to the cafe. Informing the teachers, Vineet takes Ruhana to the hotel,though, there's a silence prevailing between them.

After reaching the hotel, Vineet takes Ruhana to her room and they change into a fresh set of clothes. Ruhana finishes dressing up when Vineet enters the room and begins to apply an ointment on her leg. She tries to stop him but he continues doing the task - he applies the ointment and wraps her ankle with the crape bandage.

After finishing his task, he looks up and the words that leave his mouth leave Ruhana surprised. He says something that makes Ruhana happy and she ends up hugging Vineet.

Is she not angry anymore? Or has she turned soft to him?

Ruhana looks at Vineet and replies to him in a way that he's touched.

To Be Continued.

What did Vineet say?

Did he apologise?

Stay tuned.

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