Chapter 22

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((Hi! Okay, so I know I say this a lot, but tbh idc, apologising isn't a sin. -suddenly random voice whispers- "and lying isn't good.." OKAY IM SORRY AND I HAVE MADE MY MIND!
This story is not finished yet, and i'm planning on continuing it, yes I actually am! But I will take time to update and etc. I'm planning on keeping both my stories updated regularly and even making more. Those of you who are laughing screw you because I'm serious! R00d. Ok my stabbing unicorns enjoy this chapter!))

Chapter 22

***Lucifer's p.o.v***

I entered Lee's room without knocking, I had no intention of not knocking, I just accidentally opened the door.

I searched the room and stopped when my eyes met Lea, she stood there, back faced to the wall. She looked weird, her hair was really messed up, her lips had turned from their usual light pink to an more intense pink, and they were slightly puffy.

'Must've just woken up', I thought.

Her eyes were trained on the open window of her bedroom.

"Lea, are you okay?" I asked, my voice held concern, worry.
Her eyes suddenly snapped to mine, she gave me a smile, "oh i'm fine-" she yawned "just a little tired." she ended, her voice slightly hoarse.

It did seem like she would be anyway.

"Oh, I see. Anyway I came here to inform you that I will be going on a business trip. I will be leaving tonight, sorry for informing you so suddenly, I never meant to do that its just that I was told that I should go tonight, in about an hour."
I announced, feeling awkward.
I didn't let my emotionless expression falter.

"Oh.. How long will you be gone?" She asked, her tone held no emotion, I guess I shouldn't have expected her to give a reaction, we only just met after so long, and I had betrayed her, I was her only friend I should've known better than leaving her and going alone. But I didn't want to drag her to hell with me, even though I'm not aware that i'm doing it no- NO! I will never let her be evil.

"2 months, could be more, or less." I whispered the last part, but I knew she could hear it with her advanced hearing.

She only nodded.
Only nodded.
She doesn't even care.

"Lee.. I'm sorry." I whispered, but I'm sure she heard it.

She looked at me with an obvious forced smile, "for what?" She asked, her voice sounded much more hoarse, and broken.

"For...everything." I admitted, keeping my gaze fixed on the floor.

"Oh.. Lucifer it's f-"

"NO IT'S NOT!" I interrupted with a growl, my inner vampire trying to push itself out, he also was upset with what I had done too.

She visibly shook, and suddenly I felt like an asshole, how could I bring myself to growl at such a fragile, loving beauty of a sister? I deserve to rot in hell.

"Lucifer.. You need to stop! You need to forget! And stop blaming yourself for gods sake Lucifer! So what? So what you left me because you were tired? I forgot all about it! Dammit Lucifer I don't even care anymore.. I can't bring myself to honestly give one bit about it, and you stop blaming yourself.
I'll only say this one last time, I completely forgive you. Let's just leave the past behind..where it belongs." she whispered the last part, she said it with so much hope, that it hurt to hear her.

I just nodded, before leaving.

***Lea's p.o.v***

I'm so freaking bored.. Even tumblr cant help me at the moment.

I got up from my extremely comfortable bed to just pace around my room like an idiot, but you can't blame me. I'm bored, and extremely hungry.

Hungry for blood..

NO! stop it..

I shook the stupid thought out of my head and decided to go and just eat.

Lucifer would be leaving tonight, and I didn't even ask where I would be staying, probably here anyway I mean where else could I stay?

I slowly walked out of my room, I met the familiar peaceful, as usual corridor. I walked down the stairs and to the now, more familiar kitchen.

As I entered I was greeted with the lovely smell of bloo- NO I CAME HERE TO EAT !

I slowly made my way to the fridge, shaking my head of any thoughts for blood I had. I opened the door to the fridge only to be able to smell the scent of blood more clearly now. There were small plastic bags in the fridge, filled with a crimson liquid- blood as I noticed it.

I quickly averted my eyes from the many plastic bags and searched for bread, convincing myself that I WAS not going to drink that.

I finally spotted it and quickly grabbed it, shutting the door of the fridge as I did.

I will never drink blood, again.

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