Chapter 10

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((Herroohh guess what? I wrote chapter 9 too long so I had to add two chapters. JUST FOR YOU GUYS! cx bai stabbing unicorns. c:))

Chapter 10

***Lena's P.O.V***

I went out of the room and walked down a staircase I noticed that there were more doors on this level. How many rooms are there exactly?

I walked down another staircase. This time there were no long maze-like corridors. I heard unfamiliar voices speaking. I hesitantly walked in the room and saw lots of pastas sitting or standing. As I walked in all of them stopped what they were doing and glared at me. Awkward.. Who would think that one day I would go to a house filled with serial killers and have all of them stare the shit out of me.

"Umm okay.. Hi?" I said awkwardly trying to break the silence. Laughing Jack smiled at me and said: "Hi! Welcome to the mansion Lena!" At least he was friendly. I flashed him a quick smile. "Thank you." I thanked him.

"Come sit." Offered Laughing Jack.
I nodded accepting his offer and went over to the sofa that he was sitting on. I sat in the middle of Masky and laughing jack. Masky exactly like the way marblehornets showed him. Hoodie was sitting next to Masky.

"Hi." Said Hoodie looking towards me. "Hello." Said Masky also looking towards me. I smiled a forced smile. I was clearly nervous. "Hello!" I greeted them. Forcing myself to sound as normal as possible.

"Hey new girl." Greeted a females voice. I did not recognize the voice. I looked behind me and saw clockwork. She was smiling. I can't imagine how she smiles with the corners of her lips stitched till almost her ear.

"Hi!" I greeted her with a smile.
"You're really beautiful!" She said. It kinda caused me to blush. She was really pretty herself! "Thanks. So are you." I replied. Maybe I shouldn't have been so straight forward? Uh what have I done?

She chuckled and said. "Thanks."
She pushed Masky aside and sat next to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close. I was probably as red as a tomato now. I was freaking nervous. She leaned her chest on my shoulder and leaned in her head towards my ear. "I'm Natalie." She introduced.

I forced myself to smile but I think I didn't do a good job. "I-i'm Lena." I replied to her introduction. She chuckled and took her arms off me. She sat comfortably. I ignored her and looked around the huge living room. My eye caught Eyeless Jack's empty sockets that were starring at me the whole time. He was standing near the island counter with a drink in his hand.

I smiled at him and waved my hand towards his direction. He waved back. I decided to get up and go talk to him since he wouldn't stop glaring at me. "Guys, i'll go there and talk with Jack for a bit." I said as I got up.
"But i'm here." Said Laughing Jack.
"I mean Eyeless Jack." I said. I left instantly after that and made my way towards Jack.

"Hi." He greeted me.

"Hello" I said in response.

"So you're Lena?" He asked.

"Y-yes. And you're Eyeless Jack?" I asked.

He nodded and replied. "Yes."

I nodded.

"How is your day going?" I asked. Intending on breaking the silence.

"It's going alright. Thank you." He responded.

"Oh." I responded with a smile.

"And you?" He asked.

"Eheh.. Well other than being in a house filled with serial killers that I thought didn't exist, I guess it's going kinda okay." I responded. Maybe that was too offending? Maybe I shouldn't have said that.. UGH I ALWAYS MESS UP!

He chuckled and said. "You're really beautiful."

Um k what? "T-thank you." I thanked him. My face was getting warm slightly.

He chuckled again. "You're welcome." He responded.

I chuckled nervously.

"I'm going to my room alright?" I said before leaving. I almost sprinted out of the living room and up the long staircase. I was so filled with thoughts about this whole place that I did not pay one bit of attention to my surroundings.

I hit something and fell on top of it.
"What the hell?" Asked the familiar voice.. Oh no.. My face became warm. I fell on top of Toby and my shirt wasn't helping at all. But damn his chest felt good. (I'm not a pervert.)

I rudely pushed myself up. (Not on purpose.) and stood straight."I TRULY APOLOGIZE! I am so, so, so, so so sorry!" I said blushing awkwardly.

He chuckled and said. "Oh it's finee-"

Thank god! I let out a sigh and smiled.

"So how's it going?" He asked.

"It's going alright. Hey i'm heading to my room wanna come?" I asked

He nodded in response then smirked.
I gestured for him to follow me and so he did. I walked a bit more then reached to a familiar blue and black door. I smiled to myself and opened the door.

I walked in and Toby followed. I walked over to my bed and Toby sat down on the office chair.

"How old are you? Seventeen?" He asked.

I nodded and said. "Yes."

"How old are you?" I asked with a smile.

"Eighteen." He responded. Damn he does not look eighteen. He at least looks twenty one. He's so tall and his muscles make him look more mature.

"Oh, you don't look eighteen." I responded.

He chuckled and asked. "Really? How old do I look like then?"

I grinned a playful and happy grin. "Twenty one at least. How tall are you?" I said.

"Oh really? And i'm 6 foot." He responded.

"You're tall!" I responded still wearing my grin.

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