Chapter 20

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((OK Forgive me for being such an irresponsible, little pest. I SWEAR I WROTE HALF OF CHAPTER 20 ON MY PHONE'S NOTES, BUT HEY GUESS WHAT? IT GOT DELETED! Btw, not even pissed at this.. (Clearly I am, but whatever.) Enjoy fagetines.))

Chapter 20

***Lena's P.O.V***

I awoke from the deep sleep that had took over me, rubbing my tired eyes. The curtains were a very dark shade of red, and the fabrics were thick, I couldn't see the light that would probably beam through my own thin curtains, these curtains were perfect. They avoided any light that could possibly illuminate the room.

Okay, whatever.

I'm tired, I want to go back to sleep.

I shut my eyes, and just then I heard someone speak. "Still tired?" The voice asked, causing me to quickly get up, on guard. I felt fairly startled. I searched the room for a person, possibly someone that could have just spoken.

"Here." The person stood up, finally from the corner that it had sat on. I could now see who it was.

Toby had been sitting in the corner of my room for some unknown reason, STALKER! He wasn't wearing his usual beige hoodie.

Toby was wearing a blue long sleeved hoodie, he had rolled his sleeves up, revealing his muscular arm.. My eyes were currently glued to his muscular arms, who would have thought that Toby would be muscular?

"Oh, hey Toby." I greeted. "What are you doing here?" I asked, kind of curious and tempted to hear his answer. Seriously what was he doing here?

"I," He cleared his throat. "I thought I'd check up on you, I honestly thought you were awake, at that time.. But I was wrong, so I decided to stay till you had woken up." He replied. I couldn't find a hint of lie in his voice as he cleared the misunderstanding. But nor could I fully trust him. Anyway I avoided thinking more of this, but what caught my attention was when he said; 'I thought you were awake at that time', had I really slept that long?

"Wait, what time is it?" I quickly asked.

He raised his hand to view what I had thought to be a watch. " 11 o' clock." He responded letting his arms cross over his broad chest.

"Where's-" I let out a yawn unintentionally. "L-Lucifer?" I finished.

"I honestly don't know, I don't think he's here.."

"Oh." I replied.

Reality hit me like a brick of walls as I started to pull on the start of the cover, covering my entirely naked body. It was comfortable to sleep without clothes, but now I was feeling quite embarrassed. What if he had seen me, completely naked?! I could feel my cheeks getting warm, I knew I was probably blushing at this moment. I'm such a fool..

He had probably took notice of this as he immediately starting twitching. "I-.. I-I'll be leav-leavi-ng al-alright?" It came out more as an announcement than a question. He was twitching furiously as he made his way to to the door.

I got up, seeing as his back was now turned to me. I looked down at my lap in embarrassment.

He quickly opened the door, and exited my room, not looking back.

Why would he anyway? You probably scared him to death. It was obvious he was TWITCHING! But that was a habit for him, I guess.


After taking a hot, relaxing shower and putting on some clean pair of clothes, I decided to go downstairs.

Going down the stairs, the house seemed quiet so far.

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