Chapter 14

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Okay you guys, I've been randomly watching Bad Girls Club fight videos on YouTube for the past week now, so this Chapter is about to get very ratchet and violent lol 😂. If you're into that kind of thing, then I have a treat for you. If you're not...then I'm deeply sorry that you have to witness such violence. Okay you guys, here's Chapter 14. Enjoy 😊

WARNING: This Chapter contains violence. Read with caution

Chapter 14

Chasity's POV

During the whole ride to Mario's house I had this sour feeling in the pit of my stomach. I never thought in a million years that I would be on my way to go break up with someone because they are a threat to me. It's not even the fact that Mario is Bi Polar and Schizophrenic that's the problem, it's the fact that he's not taking his medicine and he's literally bugging. Between the mood swings he's been having for the past month along with those crazy messages that he just sent me, I'm slightly afraid because now I don't actually know what he's capable of. What if he tries to hurt me physically? And I'm not talking about actual fighting. Because regardless of anything, I use to box and I've fought guys before so I know for a fact that I can handle myself. I'm talking about actual physical harm such as knives or guns or...whatever else you could use to possibly kill someone.

I sighed as I rested my head against the car window..this is some straight bullshit. It's so damn crazy all that could happen in such a short period of time. One minute I was kissing up on Mario and loving the hell out of him. Planning my future with him, making love to him, going on dates with him, and laying up with him. Next minute I'm back in my ex boyfriend's bed and now Mario is a threat with a illness that I never even knew about. But I expect nothing less... this has always been my life. Just drama filled. If my life was a damn reality show I would run every single show on VH1 out of business that's for sure.

"Chassy we're here" I heard Yandy suddenly say, snapping me out my thoughts.

I glanced out the window to see Mario's little teal colored house in my view. My breath caught in my throat when I saw his Burgundy Honda CR-V parked in the drive-way, signalling that he's home. Welp, here goes nothing.

I opened the car door before stepping out and softly shutting it behind me. I then began walking up to Mario's house, each step feeling like a million. My palms and armpits began sweating and I'm very surprised I didn't draw blood based on how hard I was biting my lip. I'm so fucking nervous. Okay Chasity get it together, everything is going to be fine. It's simple. 'Mario, it's over', then go home and then you can move on with your life and never have to worry about him ever again. You can do this and this is for the best.

"Chasity! DO NOT go inside of his house. Make his ass come outside and talk to you so we can keep an eye on him and run up if necessary!" I heard Yandy call out from inside Ronney's truck.

I gave her a thumbs up, letting her know that I acknowledged what she said as I kept walking up to the house, never breaking my gaze from the front door. I feel like imma shit on myself, my stomach is literally doing cartwheels. I legit don't know what the outcome of this may be. Let's just hope he'll take this break up well. I know he'll be hurt, but I hope he doesn't take things to drastic measures. Shit, even if he screams at me and calls me every name in the book I'll be alright with that. But I hope that he doesn't touch me. Because if he touches me I know that it's going to open up a can of worms.

Finally I made it to Mario's front door, and I lifted up a shaky hand and knocked softly 3 times....

I took a deep breath as I waited for him to open the door. After about 15 seconds of playing with the acrylic on my nails, I glanced at the door curiously. Hmm, maybe he's not home. But his car is in the drive way...maybe he didn't hear me knocking.

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