5 Gender Doesn't matter but feeling do

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Back in America, two months before the wedding, Angelo was busy on the preparation. Keanner on the other hand was really depressed inside but acted tough outside. He was talking to his mom.

[‘WHAAAAT?!”] Alicia yelled over the phone, [“Until NOW YOU DIDN’T DO ANYTHING, YET!?”] Alicia was desperate about his son’s lack of confidence or stubbornness when it comes to telling his own feelings.

“Mom…I’m not deaf…could you stop yelling…” Keanner said.

[“Keanner, I just LOST my HOPE on you…sigh…it’s your choice even if I do everything and still you acted like that…you’re HOPELESS!”] Alicia hung up. Keanner sighed.

Angelo knocked on Keanner’s room.

“Oi, we need to massage your knee…” he said. Although Keanner’s cask was taken off, his knee needed pressed to relieve the muscles.

All of a sudden, Keanner pushed Angelo beneath him. Angelo was shocked.

“Hey…your lovey-dovey wasn’t around for quite sometime now, aren’t you lonely?” Keanner smirked. Angelo got the drift and punched the man above him.

“The h*ll you talking to…don’t make fun on me…sheesh…” he moved up but he was dragged down again.

“You’re losing my patience!” Angelo growled.

“Yeah…bring it on!” Keanner sneered. He was in a seductive but fighting mode. Angelo growled madly. They end up beating one another. Ke-an, the cute doggy hid inside the drawer.

“Huff…huff…this is stupid…how in the world did you still had that idiotic energy when you had the broken leg…grrr…” Angelo complained while he was under Keanner’s grip.

“He…he…he…this gives me so much energy…” Keanner grinned and kissed the very exhausted Angelo on his lips. He was too tired to struggle he just thought that the one kissing him was Jason. He accidentally uttered the name of Jason.


Keanner hit the wall. Angelo was stunned. Keanner walked out.


“Grrr…what h*ll had that fuck Jason had that I don’t have?” Keanner shouted inside the bar.

“WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!” he shouted again to those who were eyeing on his behavior.

He drunk and ran havoc in the pub.

1 A.M. Angelo got a phone call. He immediately went to the police station.

Keanner was detained. Well, not seriously, he was just held in the VIP room in the police office.


“It was your fault.” Keanner grumbled while dozy.

“Grrr…what a despicable man, you are…blaming fault to others!” Angelo neck him. The later did mind him. Why? He fell asleep.

Angelo dragged Keanner home and placed him at the bed. He heard something.

“I love you…-Low…” Keanner murmured while sleeping.

Angelo sighed and thought, “Why now? I can’t afford to lose Jason…with uncertainty…” he left.


On the other hand, Elliot’s Medical result was Malignant brain tumor.

Elliot needed an immediate operation but it’s a 30/70 condition, in favor of failing. If no operation to be held, he’ll only have a year to live. He thought for a while, decided not to take the risk, and spent his remaining life to the fullest. He never told anyone about his serious illness.

Age Doesn't Matter but...Gender Does (Slash) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now