Chapter 22: Unwell

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2 years later

     It's been 2 year since the babies were born and it's time for the wedding on the 25th of May, 2 days from now. Anna and Jackson are now 20 and Timmy is 10. Anna and Jackson decided that it would be better to wait for the wedding and focus more on raising the kids. Anna and Jackson have been preparing for the big day. Ella has her own little flower girl dress and Leo has his own little tux for being the ring carrier. Anna and Jackson have their whole wedding planned out. Jackson's best man is Jacob and Betty is Anna's maid of honor. The rest of their friends are their groomsmen and bridesmaids. Timmy is also a groomsman.

   Anna is out at the park taking a walk and relaxing. She's been under a lot of stress lately with the wedding and finding out that she is pregnant again. She hasn't told Jackson yet because she wants to tell him at the wedding. So she decided to take a walk to cool off since the morning sickness has been really bad lately. Jackson is at home watching Ella and Leo, who are now almost two.

   When she was walking she got a whiff of something that made her stomach turn. She found the nearest trash can and hurled into it with tears rolling down her face. When she finally finished throwing up she went back home with tears trailing. She tried to stop crying so she wouldn't worry Jackson but it was no use. She wouldn't stop crying for whatever reason.

"Hey, honey. How was your jog?" Jackson said when he heard the door close.

"Ok." Anna managed to get out. She didn't want to show she was crying.

"I'm gonna go get some groceries from the market, ok?"

Anna nodded, wiping her eyes and sitting down on the couch.

"Are you ok baby?" He questioned noticing her pale face and tear stained cheeks. She nodded.

"I will be back in a little bit. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." Anna said with a smile.

"We love you daddy." Ella said with a smile. As Jackson opened the door and left. The kids kept playing as Anna tried to calm down but it didn't work. She went to get a glass of water but her head spun and she had to stop walking. The twins noticed their mommy looking bad and decided to call daddy with her phone she left on the couch.

(At the market)

   Jackson bought what he needed and when he started walking home his phone rang. He saw it was Anna and picked up quickly.

"Hey baby. I'm on my way home now." He smiled until he heard sniffing.

"Daddy. Mommy looks sick. We don't know what's wrong." Ella sniffled.

"Ok baby. She'll be ok. I'm on my way right now."

"Hurry daddy. She looks like she's going to fall." Leo panicked.

  Jackson's eyes started to sting as tears made their way to his eyes. He jogged home and into the house just in time. Anna was fainting and she was standing in the kitchen. He ran dropping the bags at the door and caught her just in time.

"Daddy? What's wrong?" Leo questioned when he saw his mommy in his daddy's arms.

"Mommy is gonna be ok, Leo." Jackson said rubbing Anna's back.

   He got up and walked Anna to the couch to set her down. After about 2 minutes Anna woke up. She looked around and saw Jackson and her twins watching her in concern.

"What's wrong?" Anna asked, confused.

"You fainted. Are you ok?" Jackson brushed hair out of her eyes.

"Yes. I just think I went a little overboard on my jog. Sorry, baby." Anna hated lying but she wanted to surprise him on their wedding day.

"It's fine. Just don't do it again."

"Ok. Now it's time for supper." Anna said as she got up Jackson stood up with her.

"What do you want?" Jackson asked.

"McDonald's!" The kids cheered as Anna and Jackson smiled.

"Ok let's go." Anna said, grabbing her purse. They walked out to the car, buckled the kids in their car seats and drove to McDonald's. After eating they got up to leave.

"Come on baby,we need to get home. We have a big day ahead." Jackson whispered in her ear.

Anna looks at Jackson and smiles, "Have I ever told you that I love you?" She asks, smirking.

Jackson nods, "Yes multiple times a day."

Anna kisses him and the kids cover their eyes, "Eww. Mommy! Daddy! That's gross!"

They laugh and go home.


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