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REMUS LUPIN WAS ESTELLA'S FAVORITE PERSON. There was no denying that. Wherever Remus was, Estella would always find her way to him. That would never change. There were few things that kept them apart. One of those things was Quidditch.

"Good catch, Stellar!" praised Gryffindor's new Quidditch Captain and her best friend, James Potter. Estella hadn't seen James so in his element. "Alright, that's it for today. It's getting late, go eat, you wankers!"

Estella flew down, meeting up with James and Sirius once she had changed her clothes. She was beat, and honestly wanted nothing more than to sleep.

"I have never been so hungry in my life,"James complained as they walked up the hill towards the castle."I feel like I haven't seen the lads in forever."

"We saw them this morning,"Estella chuckled fondly,"Though, I do miss Remus."

"Yeah, so do I,"Sirius joked,"Though, everyone knows my heart lies with Peter."

Estella rolled her eyes as they found their way to the Great Hall. In there, Remus and Peter were already at the Gryffindor table playing Wizard's Chess while Lily and Marlene were engaged in a round of gossip.

Estella joined the table between Lily and Remus,"Who's winning?"asked the pink-haired girl.

"Remus,"Peter answered,"But barely."

"You can do it, Remmy,"Estella encouraged, only earning a nod from a very concentrated werewolf. She shook her head fondly before asking,"Do you think I could stay with you tonight?"

Remus finally turned his attention to her, "You having that dream again?" His warm eyes flickered with worry.

"Yeah, I just think if I'm around someone, that it might help."

"It helped this summer so definitely,"Remus smiled a little,"Also, you don't have to ask. It's not like I'll ever say no."

"I like to ask."

"And I like when you sleep with me," countered Remus."I got sort of used to it when you stayed with me. My bed isn't as warm when it's just me."

"I will get in trouble if I stay every night," Estella reminded him.

"When have you ever cared about the rules?"

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"When have you ever cared about the rules?" The mysterious dark-haired man asked. The woman beside him shrugged her shoulder loosely.

Estella's dreams were becoming more vivid. She could clearly see the man's face underneath that deep emerald cloak. His face was extremely pale, but that wasn't caught her attention. It was the eyes. It was he was looking right at her, like he saw her. The man blinked as if to make her go away before turning back to the woman.

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