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LETTING GO SOUNDS EASY, BUT IN REALITY, IT TOOK A LOT OF COURAGE. Estella Bennett and Remus Lupin were both struggling with it in their own ways in the aftermath of their...breakup of sorts.

Estella had waited until March to finally take the first step towards letting go of her unrequited love and she found herself going on plenty of dates. She had gone out with Fabian Prewett once, but they agreed to keep it platonic. She went out with a Ravenclaw boy named Nathan, but he was more interested in school than girls.

It was until she decided that dating was not as fun as it was with Sirius. Estella wanted something more serious, pun not intended. That was when she finally went on one last date.

She wasn't sure how she ended up in the company of Nolan Jones for so long, but she definitely wasn't complaining about it. In fact, the more time they spent, the less time she spent in distress. The Slytherin boy made her laugh and he took her out every weekend for the past three weeks.

It wasn't until today that Estella finally realized what was happening.

They were dating.

Nolan Jones smirked as Estella stumbled over her words after a few butterbeers.

"Oh, I think you've had enough,"Nolan laughed, sliding the mug over to his side of the table as Estella poured.

"Nol, no,"She whined, a pout upon her face that made Nolan smirk even more.

"You are too cute,"Nolan whispered,"How did I snag you?"

"Because you're nice and swept in when I needed it the most,"Estella answered with a giggle."Oh, and you're fit as fuck."

Nolan grinned at that,"How did I know you were going to say that?"

"Because you were fishing for a compliment,"Estella hiccuped after she laughed,"Oh wow, maybe I did have enough."

"How about we go back to my dorm, maybe cuddle and—"


"Padfoot! Wormtail!"Estellla shouted back as Sirius Black strutted his way through the Three Broomsticks with Peter Pettigrew, Marlene McKinnon, and Dorcas Meadows.

"You look plastered, love,"Dorcas teased as Sirius slid into the booth with Nolan and Peter.

Nolan rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw as Estella's friends joined the table.

"Either you need to drink more or eat,"Marlene smirked,"But let me catch up first. Waiter!"

"Oh my god, Marlene, he has a name,"Estella scolded.

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