In The Dark

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When I'm alone,
I can imagine you beside me,
Just out of reach of my fingers,
But close enough to hear me breathe.
I imagine your arms around me,
Holding me both fiercely and gently.
I can almost feel your heartbeat,
Can almost feel your chest rumbling
As you breathe in and out so deeply and surely,
Like the gentle ebbing of waves.
I imagine the candlelight's long, fingered shadows
Is your shadow as you creep under the silky blankets beside me.
When I imagine you're with me,
I can feel the darkness lift,
And I can almost pretend it's supporting me, instead of drowning me.
When I'm alone,
And my mind is casting out and pondering fathomless things,
I am reminded of you.
I feel as though I am standing on the shore of a great sea,
Feet just barely in the water,
And I can see nothing but sky.
I can taste the salt in the air,
Like bittersweet memories,
And I long to be completed--
To be the other half of you.
When I'm alone,
Nostalgia washes over me,
And I can't stop dwelling in the past,
Wishing for things that will never be,
People I can never have,
Things I will never do.
That's when the loneliness creeps in,
Silent as the tide--
Everything is quiet and then out of the blue,
I'm drowning,
And alone in the ocean of my mind.
The tumultuous waves toss and turn,
Never stopping, never calming,
I wash up on the shores of reality.
I'm just lying in the dark,
Only with you in my mind.

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