Things About Depression That No One Tells You

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It saps your will to live.

It keeps you awake at night with nightmares of loss, regret, and rejection.

It makes you hate your siblings for their careless comments.

It makes you leave your guitar in the case for weeks.

It makes you even more antisocial than you already are.

It makes you keep your head down in the halls.

It makes you put your headphones in to avoid talking to people.

It wipes the smile of your face.

It erases the happiness from your life.

It makes you unwilling to eat anything.

It makes you break down at the worst moments possible and cry when you don't want to.

It makes you believe that everything is your fault.

It makes you believe that you're the only one in this whole wide world.

It makes you say things you would never say.

It makes you powerlessly watch everyone you love abandoning you for something that's not your fault.

It makes you watch as your life disintegrates.

It makes you realize there's no going back.

It makes you think that there is something you've done to deserve this hell.

It saps your will to live.

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