If Love Could Give Me Wings

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Tattered and torn to pieces,

Broken with tears in my eyes-

I am grounded looking up,

At the place I used to fly.

Those smiles and those laughs,

The kisses in my dreams-

Only served to crush me more,

As I come apart at the seams.

Your love gave me golden wings,

And you bore me up so high-

Now that I've come crashing down,

I can only wonder why.

All these memories that I hold,

All these tears I cried-

I feel I have no beauty left,

Like that part of me has died.

I remember beauty I once held,

Before I knew of you-

I can cope on my own,

I know I can start anew.

Now and then I look up,

And see the freshness there-

The places where I used to soar,

Beckon me, "take to the air."

Light shines again upon my face,

I feel the darkness lift-

Memories of you stay on the ground,

I watch them go adrift.

Although my heart is empty,

I know there's something more-

Whenever God closes a window,

He always opens a door.

Even though I love you,

I just have to let you go-

How will I ever blossom

If I'm never allowed to grow?

I lift my wings, spread them wide,

To dance among the stars-

I've lived the pain and healed my wounds,

Finding beauty in the scars.

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