Cry For Help

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Do you ever feel so alone

that you wonder how the world can keep spinning?

How people can be happy?

How their lives keep on moving,

while yours is in a dead stop?

Do you ever feel so ashamed

that you wonder why you even came to be,

why you've never glimpsed true happiness,

and what the point is of this life, anyways,

if you haven't done anything worthwhile?

Do you ever feel so destroyed

that you watch as the world crumbles around you,

and you're the only who notices?

The only one who cares?

Do you ever feel so broken,

that you realize that you can never love again,

that you realize being malleable has turned you into stone,

that you realize something is seriously wrong?

Do you ever feel so powerless

when you realize your emotions are controlling you?

That you want to cry for help,

but don't have the words,

or that Pride has it hands wrapped around your soul,

and no matter how you struggle for freedom,

you can't say--

"help me"

"I'm losing control"

"I don't know who I am anymore"

because the Words. Won't. Come?

You long to confide in a human soul,

you long for empathy,


you're even desperate enough for pity,

but the world will never know.

So you put on a smile,

and think to yourself,

"if anyone truly knew me,

they'd see the pain behind my eyes"

but they don't say anything,

and neither do you.

And you carry around this burden,

for days,





and you're the only one who ever knew,

because everyone thinks you're fine,

and you think no one cares.

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