Gentle and Sweet

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I was safe.

I was happy.

I was loved.





I knew you would never let me go.


I dived into the water with you at my side.

I felt the warmth in your voice as you sang to me.

I saw your love for me in every blink of your eyes.


When I was crying,

You were the strength for me to hold on to.

When I was shaking,

You were there to comfort me.

When I couldn’t stop the tears,

You were there to gently wipe them away.


And when we laid in the grass,

Side by side—

Faces almost touching—

We gazed into each other’s eyes



You kissed me.

I felt your lips on mine,

Gentle and sweet through closed eyes.

When you pulled away,

And I opened…

…My eyes,

And instead of you next to me,

The world focused

Into the browns of my wall,

The greens of my sheets,

The whites of the world through the blinds.

The sheets empty beside me,

I’ve never felt so alone.

I couldn’t help but feel your memory on my lips,

Gentle and sweet under my fingers.

Where are you?

Why did you leave me?

I’m alone—

I need you.

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