"I'll forgive and won't have to forget all the good things about you."

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There are things about you that I still love.
Things that I hold onto--
The way your eyes lit up when you smiled,
The way you always stood alert and on guard,
The way your whole face smiled when your mouth did,
The way you threw your head back when you laughed,
The intensity your eyes held when they looked into mine,
The way you listened to me like I was the most important person in the world,
The way your voice shined when you sang and played guitar,
The way I felt I was connected to you,
The way you made me feel so safe,
The way your soul beckoned to mine,
The way you made me fall in love with you.
I'm writing about you like this person you are
Only exists in the past.
But it's true.
Now, your heart belongs to someone else,
And I am not even good enough to be a memory--
But that's ok.
For that window of time,
You gave me a taste of paradise.
I sound like Hazel from The Fault In Our Stars.
But it's true.
I've spent so long trying to erase you,
But what I really need to do is embrace you--
The good parts that will now always be a part of me.

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