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"babyyy open the god damn door!." Seungyoun shouted.

Wooseok was currently hiding in his room with his face still blushing red.

He quietly went to the door and unlocked it with his head down.


"Why are you so cute? Come here." Seungyoun pulled the smaller to his chest and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm sorry." Wooseok said in the taller's chest, tears shedding making his shirt wet.

"Why are you sorry? It's fine. Let's go to bed." He softly said and carried Wooseok into the room. Placing him only the bed.

Seungyoun laid next to Wooseok, admiring the boy. His eyes were closed and were all red and puffy. It was adorable.

"I love you."

As he drifted to sleep too.

= morning =

Seungyoun woke up to the feeling of emptiness on his side, Wooseok was not in the bed.

Did he leave me? no, he couldn't... not this early.

He walked out into the hallway to smell the sweet scent of pancakes being made downstairs.

Seungyoun rushed down to hug Wooseok as he was cooking, "what a surprise, the Kim Wooseok knows how to cook."

"Nice of you to think I can but okay." He scoffed as he place the pancakes on a plate, taking it over to the table.

"I made enough for both of us, don't worry."

The two sat down and took a piece of the food in front of them, surprisingly it was edible.

"Do you wanna go out today?." Seungyoun asked, it was a while since they went out for a date.

"Sure, where to?" Seungyoun thought for a bit, "ah! Yes, how about the cafe Eunsang owns, his drinks tastes amazing."

"We can go there, let me get ready first... I smell like sweat."

Wooseok ran upstairs while Seungyoun scrolled through his phone downstairs near the door.

We don't have many pictures together...

"Seungyoun lets go!" The younger ran to the door like a puppy. "Oh hold on, let's take a selfie."

The two posed in front of the camera, soon after leaving off to the cafe. They walked since it was so close to them.

"What do you wanna drink?" Seungyoun asked, "1 regular Americano!" The smaller replied.

( I don't know if he drinks Americanos but it will do..)

The two sat near the window waiting for their drinks, they spent the time chatting and just doing couple things you could say.

"Let me get our drinks." Wooseok smiled and walked over to the counter.

"Hello! Here are you're drinks, have a wonderful day." Eunsang smiled. He was on the cafe for today.

"Thanks Eunsang."

"Oh? Do I know you? How do you know my name."

"I with your friend Seungyoun! We came to the cafe for a bit."

"Ah.. well enjoy your drinks."

He turned around to bring the drinks back but was stop by another man.

"U-um excuse me, I need to go.." He spoke trying not to be as awkward.

"Wooseok why don't you contact me anymore?"

stockholm syndrome. ʚ SEUNGSEOK [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now