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soft bed

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soft bed...

didn't know buses had soft pillows as well.

buses don't have soft pillows... where am I?

Wooseok sat up from the bed and looked around with his eyes still slightly closed. Everything was a blur to him, but he could tell this was not his house at all.

What a big pillow is next to me.

He took the covers off the "large pillow" to reveal not a pillow. It was a human.

Did I really get kidnapped once again and got my virginity stolen?..

The man in the bed had moved around, so Wooseok could see his face clearly now. Wooseok was definitely wide-awake, was he dreaming?

"It's cold..give me the blanket back..." It was Seungyoun, his eyes couldn't lie to him. He had pinched himself 5 times and he could tell it was not a hallucination.

Seungyoun was still asleep in a weird position with his clothes all crinkled. Overall he looked like a hobo, but Wooseok thought that hobo was cute when he was sleeping.

Weird kinks.

Wooseok stepped out the bed quietly as he could to not wake up the giant and went into the bathroom.

Jeez, I look like a mess. Hey! Wait- my clothes are different?.. did he changed my clothes while I was sleeping?!

Wooseok didn't know how he could of slept through Seungyoun changing his clothes, but he was worried that he had taken advantage of him some way.

No one had saw whatever was underneath his clothing, he thought it was too ugly for anyone to see. The scars were much worse back then, but now it had healed. Although it still left many horrible marks.

no wonder no one likes you.

"Wooseok? Are you in the bathroom? I kinda need to use it right now.." Seungyoun had called out. "Y-yeah! Im coming out now," Wooseok turned to the door and walked, Seungyoun was sitting on the edge on the bed while scratching his head.

There was something else that caught Wooseok's eyes though.

"Are you okay?," Wooseok was in daze looking at what Seungyoun had. "U-um you have a bit of a problem down there..." His voice slowly went soft after finishing his sentence, trying not to have eye contact with the giant.

"Ah, yeah. I know.." He scratched his head before walking to the bathroom and closing the door. It was best that Wooseok didn't stay around to hear the ungodly sounds.

He went down starts to the kitchen area, it was a plane white kitchen. Wooseok decided he would make breakfast for both of them before Seungyoun came back.

"does this guy even have milk? his fridge is so empty..." He looked around for any ingredients he could use, even though it seemed like a rat had taken every ounce of food from Seungyoun's place.

Bending down to look for pans or plates, he felt another person's presence behind him.

"What are you looking for?," Wooseok was startled, he jumped before getting a spoon to protect himself. "woah.. just me, why would anyone else be in this house?," He chuckled before walking to the fridge and grabbing milk.

"h-hey! I was going to make breakfast.. I need the milk..," Wooseok had exclaimed.

"do you want my milk?."


Wooseok didn't know what he said wrong, but Seungyoun had started to laugh hard. So much it made him go onto the ground.

"Wooseok you are very innocent,"

"What do you mean?! I am very manly!," Wooseok started to flex his small muscles that could not be compared with Seungyoun's. He would of look like a stick next to him.

Failed at being cool and manly, that's sad.

"Just give me the milk carton!" He ran to the fallen giant and tried to snatch the milk away but Seungyoun was faster than he thought.

"You aren't getting it shorty." He had stretched his arm up high so Wooseok couldn't reach, the only way he could get it was to jump.

"Give it!," Wooseok kept on jumping high as he can, trying to reach for the carton. It was a stupid game for just a box of milk he could of went out to buy.

He enjoyed it though.

The more he tried, the more of Seungyoun's smile went brighter and bigger. With all of Wooseok's force, he jumped high but still couldn't reach it.

Wooseok couldn't keep his balance from the strong jump, he had fell on his own foot. He had to grab onto something, so he grabbed onto Seungyoun's shirt which made them both fall down together.

Seungyoun was on top of Wooseok while having his hands pressed next to his head. They both didn't talk and just stared at each other.

i'm so fucked.

They both spent at least 5 minutes looking into eachothers eyes before Seungyoun had spoken up.

"so, um yeah.." Wooseok avoided his eyes and tried look at something else, but Seungyoun had taken his chin and turned it to face him.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!," Wooseok struggled to stand up as Seungyoun wouldn't budge from his position.

"You know you're very pretty from this angle," Wooseok looked straight at the giant on top of him and started to blush. "D-Don't say that! It's getting hot in here..." Wooseok started to flap his shirt acting like it was 100 degrees inside the room.

Seungyoun started to lean in slowly, his face was 1cm away from Wooseok. He turned to the other side and whispered in Wooseok's ear.

"Do you still want my milk? It's nice and cold.." He lifted himself up and smirked at Wooseok.

Just then, the door had bursted open. Revealing a tall middle school boy, bread in his mouth.

"Hyung!-" The boy paused before looking at the 2 on top of eachother. " Did I interrupt something?.."

"no..no, come inside." Wooseok said before crawling out of Seunyoun's grip.

Wrong timing Dohyon.

uwu probably my longest chapter and best chapter :D finally learnt how to write in 3rd person properly :0 New character!! Dohyon the chipmunk who interrupted sexy time for seungseok :P

Anyway, make sure to comment and vote :) thank you for 5K readd :D

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