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it had been probably 4, 3, 5? days since wooseok had seen the ouside world. 

the only way he could keep track of the time was the little window in the corner of the room, when the light would go he knew it was night. 

the window looked like to be large enough for wooseok to fit in, he kept that in mind whenever he would look at it. 

the room had been empty for a while, only a few planks of wood and the sound of his chain that filled the place. 

eventually from time to time, yohan would walk in to slide a bowl of porridge for him to eat. 

most of the time wooseok would leave the bowl the same as it was given or eat a few spoons so he wouldn't die. 

it was surprising to him that he had a spec of will to live. 

the door opened, revealing a figure and the light from behind the person. 

"its yohan, seungyoun wants me to bring you to him. get up." yohan says, wooseok was sat with his legs up to his chest before standing up andd walking to the door.

"just before you leave, wear the blindfold." yohan hands him the piece of cloth. 

"w-why do i need this?..." 

"so you won't escape, use your brain." 

"sorry..." wooseok mutters. 

yohan leads him down what it seems to be a hallway, it was long from how he saw the lights through the blindfold. 

wooseok could hear the screams of others as he kept walking, he clenched his teeth. it frightened him a lot.

they stopped at an area and he heard the door open. 

yohan pushed the boy in and the door closed behind him. 

he heardd the soft footsteps of shoes grow closer to him, making wooseok walk backwards slowly away. 

his arm was forcefully grabbed by another person and his blindfold was taken off. 

"why are you backing away from me?" seungyoun asked him, wooseok could feel his breathe on his neck. 

"i-i'm sorry i didn't know it was you..." the boy mutters. 

"you should of known, who else would want you?" seungyoun walks over to the desk and sits down on the chair. 

wooseok remained silent as the man in front of him chuckled. 

"what do you want most?" seungyoun asked, twirling a pen in his hand as he stared at the boy. 

"i...i don't know." wooseok answers causing seungyoun to slam the pen on the table. 

wooseok flinches. 

he didn't know what he wanted and he didn't know what he needed. 

what do i want? please help me. 


ayo finally :DDD


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