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"oi, last stop wake up."

wooseok woke up to the sound of the bus driver, calling him to get off the bus.

shit. where the fuck am I?

wooseok groaned, he shouldn't have slept. now he didn't know where he was. 

what a bad day it was for him, it couldn't get any worse at this point. he soon felt drops of rain on his head, it starts to get heavier and heavier.

"you fucking dumbass wooseok," he muttered to himself.

he quickly ran to some shelter and sat down. getting his phone and turning it on. it stays on a black screen, then showing a battery sign. 

wooseok wasted all his battery on the bus. he didn't know it could run out that easily.

this day has just been a mess.

he sighed, leaning his head down and closing his eyes. wooseok start to drift off, slowly falling into a deep slumber.

the sun shone on wooseok's face.

his eyes flutter open, feeling a strange aura around him. it wasn't raining anymore, but he wasn't outside anymore.

 wooseok blinked once before realising he wasn't at the bus stop anymore.

wooseok panicked,  he started to look around to see if anyone was there. the walls around him were cracked and the floor was pure concrete. he couldn't see much because of how unlit the place was.

"they really tied the rope tight didn't they?" wooseok mumbled. 

his feet and arms were tied to the legs of the wooden chair that he was struggling to get out of.

wooseok thought how stupid he was enough to sleep at a bus stop where anyone could grab him and take him away for ransom. he was actually kinda glad, no one could hear or see his disgusting face and voice.

"try as much as you can but you won't get out,". a faint voice whispers to wooseok.

"who are you? where am i? untie me now!" using all his strength to raise his voice.

"do you think that would get me to let you out? not a chance. i have no thought or feelings about you, so this won't take long." the man chuckled.

"why are you doing this? i did nothing to you! i don't even know you!"

"are you sure you don't know me? don't you remember last night? aren't you gonna say something?" the man lifts an eyebrow up.

wooseok realised who the man was.

Ddd he really kidnap me for saying such small words?

"so what? i didn't do anything wrong to you! now let me go!" he shouted while trying to get out of the tight rope on his wrists.

"you're not going anywhere pretty boy, not until you say sorry..." the man jokingly pouted.

"my name is seungyoun, have fun while it last," he walked off into the darkness. a door is slammed in the distance, hurting wooseok ears.

"this person has the confidence to introduce himself and laugh at me? there's no way i'm saying sorry," he mumbles to himself.

unless i have no choice.

it seemed like that was the last of the door ever opening, although it opened once again, revealing a different person or man.

he walked towards wooseok before stopping right in front of him and bending down right in front of his face. they were basically having a staring contest.

the man walked around to the back before he felt a knot untied on his wrist.

finally, my hands were aching.

"hey...can you untie my legs now?" wooseok plead while holding his wrists.

"if i did, you would escape. seungyoun said to not untie your legs just your arms," he mumbled, loud enough for wooseok to hear.

"yohan, you'll see me again soon." yohan said before soon as well disappearing into the darkness of the room.

wooseok was hopeless, two people had walked in and only one of them helped him. how was he going to get out of here?

you're so weak wooseok.

☹︎ chapter two - CUT ☻︎

Sorry for a short chapter, I'll try to add some more detail on the 3rd chapter. But now you know what happened to Wooseok at the bus stop :) see you in the next chapter readers!

stockholm syndrome. ʚ SEUNGSEOK [ON HOLD]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz