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Chapter 22: Jackson's Father.


This is the famous restaurant of New York City. People were enjoying their food sitting on their tables and some were talking or eating silently and some were looking outside the glass walls.

In front of the hall was a stage where musicians were playing their soft music and they stopped when she, dressed in a white dress walked to that stage and stood in front of them by a mic...


"My night for Jack..." She said this sentence smiling and everyone turned their attention to her, she let her eyes roam around the scenery.

"I should drop the accent because sometimes I get complaints that people have trouble understanding me." She chuckled softly and many people on their tables laughed, she once again passed everyone her best smile.

"I was shocked when I was making an assignment and got tired and stopped  then I, with the pen in my hand wrote Jack on a page and then I filled that page with his name and while doing that I didn't even get tired. I liked it when I wrote someone else's name except mine. And when that note pad got useless for me, I took that one page out and saved it."

Today was the anniversary of that restaurant and they were celebrating by calling people to the stage and say a speech about someone very special to them.

"After a few years I will laugh at this. It's still making me laugh and I'm not embarrassed about it." She paused. She felt herself missing his presence. She should use more nice words.

"My whole life I've been so practical that now I feel my non practical feelings fading away. At first I used to think that I will marry a man who would be like my father. Maybe every girl wants that. I believed that I could never meet a person better than my father and it's true, I haven't met any and now I also don't find it important. I just wanted a good character and that is what I found in Jack but one day when I was sitting behind him on his bicycle, I wanted to hold him but I didn't because I thought that he wouldn't appreciate it and right after that thought crossed my mind, I realized that I liked that thing about him." She laughed and then stopped and she shook her head and while doing that her straightened hair fell on her shoulders. Today she had her hair loosely resting on her back and a golden pin was holding her hair from getting on her face, one of her strands was left unstraightened and was resting on her shoulder. But nonetheless, she was there showing off her beauty and attitude.

"I still can't make a list about his good habits and I also don't plan on doing that." She said raising her index finger and did some sort of a gesture that made a few people laugh.

"I could never understand that feeling as well... when I figured out, that he had something special in him, something extraordinary. When he's angry, he tightly seals his lips and takes deep breaths. To me that is the real strength, there would be many people on earth who has the strength of beating the crap out of some ordinary person but there are very... very less people who has the quality of speaking and shutting the other up but they still keep quiet. Of course, these people are really less and he's one of them and he should be respected. Whenever I wanted to tell him something, I found him looking at me really attentively... I never saw him getting annoyed when I talked a lot.

Yes! If I want to make a list about him then I would put his affability on the top of my list. He has strong control over his emotions. If I'm the iron girl, which by the way my uni fellows named me... But when I'm standing in front of him, I'm just a normal person. When he's around, time passes by very quickly but when he's not, it's just the opposite. My Papa says that, 'that person is very lucky who has a family surrounding him'. But I would say that, 'that family is lucky who is surrounding Jack'" The light in her light blue eyes got so high that the lights in the chandelier over her head were feeling dimmed.

All Of Me ||Jelsa|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now