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Chapter 21: Burning Man Festival.


Today was the burning man festival in Black Rock desert. This festival was only for one night. She was returning from her job when Rapunzel came to get her. Merida already told her to come but she didn't come, she became so quiet, even to her own self and she didn't even want to talk with anyone now...

"Let's go! The whole Uni would be there. Everyone is dying to go there." Rapunzel exclaimed enthusiastically jumping up and down in front of her and giggling.

"Jack would be there too?" She asked hopefully.

"He should probably be there." Rapunzel was too excited to notice why she was asking about him.

To think that Jack would be there she came with Rapunzel. One hundred and twenty feet tall burning man was standing tall in the middle of the huge ground. Everywhere were acrobats doing stunts with fire, everywhere was fire... the crowd was huge. She, Rapunzel and one of her friends were walking around together. She was looking for Jack. To do a fire stunt, Rapunzel put petrol in her mouth and breathed fire and while doing that her eyebrows got neatly trimmed.

"Oh my, you're looking so pretty now. You already had three hairs on your eyebrows and you couldn't stay happy with them as well." Elsa pointed out laughing at her, Rapunzel's friend bursted out laughing at Elsa's sarcastic comment.

"You should try as well, Elsa?" Elsa just shook her head in response.

"When will they burn it?" Elsa asked.

"At 12:01..." Rapunzel replied checking her already burned eyebrows in her mobile front camera.

"These people are also so jobless, don't know what they plan to do with their lives." Elsa muttered looking around her, everything was so much weird for Elsa, everyone was enjoying except for her.

"This whole world is about these things, Elsa!" Rapunzel said like some old man.

"Really! Tell me which Japanese philosopher are you studying nowadays?" Elsa asked irritated.

"Rapunzel Corona." Rapunzel laughed showing off her teeth and Elsa really enjoyed seeing her tiny teeth that looked like some kid's.

"Your tongue works a lot now as well." Elsa finally laughed.

"Just like your bike works..."

Elsa's eyes travelled to Flynn who was breathing fire, "Fire is playing with fire. May the fire gets him to ashes, Amen."

Rapunzel went to Flynn and stood beside him. Flynn was doing many stunts with fire, there were many people crowding to look at him, she found Hiccup there as well.

"You said that you wouldn't come?" Hiccup wasn't really happy to see her there.

"Punzel brought me here. Have you seen Jack anywhere... is he here?"

"He did come but I don't know where he is. Have you seen the statue where people are writing their regrets and then they would also burn that statue... Come on let's write something as well."

Hiccup grabbed her hand and dragged her after him, It was the statue of a crying man's head. It was a huge head lying on the ground and hundreds of people were writing their regrets on it.

I, my whole life will have this regret that I hurt you. I became a huge pain for your heart, Jack.

She left Hiccup there and went to look for Jack, she didn't see him anywhere but she found Merida instead. She was whispering something in someone's ear and when she moved away from that person, she noticed that, that someone was Jack and they both laughed looking at Flynn.

All Of Me ||Jelsa|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now