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Chapter 40: Thank You!


A Tale of Jack and Elsa, join us to celebrate it's end.

That was written on the invitation cards of their reception party on Lady Arianna's request. There was hustle and bustle in shuttle cock, everyone was preparing for their big reception party. Lady Arianna bought a cute little house for them right in front of shuttle cock as their wedding gift.

Lady Arianna was very busy planning their reception party. It was her dear son's wedding reception party after all. She wanted to invite the whole Manchester... No! She wanted to invite the whole England and when her son and daughter in law comes in their carriage they would wave and throw flowers at them... No! She wanted their reception party to be seen on TV so the whole world could see her son's wedding reception party.

But of course someone had to throw water on fire and Lady Arianna was pretty much upset, she was so excited and now on the couple's request she would have to arrange a same old reception party.

Everyone was very excited, Marinette was full on exploding with new reception party stories that she wanted to tell and banned Jack from seeing his wife til their reception. All of lady Arianna's children were gathered in shuttle cock for their little brother.

Marinette and Adrien were rehearsing in their room in shuttle cock to act as Elsa and Jack. Adrien was going to be Jack and Marinette obviously Elsa. Ariel was preparing a song while Hiccup and Merida were preparing their speech together. Flynn (God forgive him... Not!) Had prepared many pranks to give bride and groom double heart attacks.

So after their exams and before result, there was a bachelor party. Flynn danced, in first half before wedding he danced perfectly and in second half after wedding he danced like his legs broke, this was to explain Jack's future.

Everyone was tired of laughing but they still laughed watching the second half.

"World will laugh at you like this, Jack. You've still got time. Think!" Flynn spoke pointing towards the laughing audience.

"I will be waiting." Jack had a bright smile on his face, yes! He'll happily wait for world to laugh at him because that day would never come.

Hall drowned in darkness and then spotlights hit the stage where numerous alarm clocks were placed and they started ringing...

It was alarm of danger... Danger... Danger...

Then the hall drowned in darkness again and the whole scenario changed, it was welcome week and many students were standing with the board of 'Ask Me', many students were normally asking for their help then suddenly stage started to shake like there was an earthquake... Why?

Because a Girl\Guy Felsa (It's Flynn acting as Elsa) was coming taking care of her seven feet long scarf aka flag of norway, swaying her\his long blonde hair and stood in front of a white haired 'Ask Me' guy Tack (it's Tadashi acting as Jack). They both started arguing and then every student on the stage made a circle around them.

It was the welcome party, a huge blast was heard and everyone dramatically fell on the stage. Felsa was seated in the center and was crying with his/her mouth wide open and sound of river waves were heard in the background. Then dramatic waves came and everyone was acting like they were drowning... Oh no! Manchester was going to sink. Everyone was doing a good job in swimming and drowning that Jack was going crazy laughing so hard.

There was darkness once again and then again the scene changed. Felsa stood up shaking her\his head in despair and started walking, while everyone who was acting like they were stumbling on her long scarf and were falling and limping. Darkness and then again the scene changed... It was dragon parade, everyone was wearing dragon masks and there stood Felsa and Tack with everyone surrounding them. Tack proposed and Felsa gasped and slapped him hard on the face and ran away.

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