Property Copy

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(By the way if I ever take a quirk that is in the manga it's by accident since I only watch the anime just saying I always try to be as original as possible)
Name:Property Copy

Description:When the user touches any material they will take on the properties of said material.
Ex:They touch steel and are now magnetic, as hard as steel, grey and conduct electricity

*The user will always have a weapon

*They can take the properties of liquids and solids giving them more options

*They can become as hard as diamonds by you know touching a diamond

*They can become acidic by touching acid as long as they can deal with the pain

*They can become elastic by touching something like rubber

*They can gain immunity to some quirks by changing materials like turning into tungsten a material that's resilient to high and low temperatures against Todoroki or something like that

*The user only needs small pieces of a material to get the properties so a small piece of diamond or rubber or any other material would be enough

*They need to touch the material to gain its property

*The effect wears off after five or so minutes it can become longer with practice

*They need materials with them at all times to be effective for instance if they are fighting Todoroki and don't have a heat resilient material with them they wouldn't have much of a chance

*The user gains the weakness of the property to do like turning into water and being attacked by Kaminari

Special Move:Multi Copy
The user copies the traits of four or five materials for two minutes to gain multiple strengths and limit there weaknesses making them incredibly powerful even if it only lasts for a little bit.

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