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Name:Memory manipulation

Description:The user can fire off spikes made of energy that once an opponent is hit with will have their memories altered to change how they perceive an event,remind them of something in their past and read their entire life's history

*Great for learning information

*Long range

*Can use a persons fears or worries against them

*doesn't use much stamina

*Good at all ranges since if you touch someone you can manipulate their memories

*The user must hit or touch the target to actually use

*Someone can lose their own memory if used to much

*the user can only read memories not thoughts or plans

Special attack:Reality change
The user grabs onto the opponent and makes them go into a state where they are unable to move and will see their life play before them but with changed memories to make it miserable or heart warming the user won't be able to move from the target as well also it will wear off after twenty to thirty minutes maybe less depending on the persons will power

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