Body Modification

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Description:The user can create any limb or body part on any part of their body for example they could make multiple arms on their shoulders or eye balls on their back.

*The user can make multiple arms and legs to increase their punching power or lift heavy objects

*The user can make eyes on their body to see in multiple direction

*The user can also make giant limbs by forming multiple arms before mixing them together

*Stamina costs arms and legs taking stamina to create multiple uses tiring out the user

*If the user's fake limbs are attacks like their fake arm is stabbed their real arm will have the same wound so the user must be very careful

*The user can't make heads or any organs

*After detaching from the body the limb will turn to dust immediately

Ultimate Attack:Hydra Barrage
After making eight large arms the user launches a barrage of bone breaking punches that would hurt even the strongest of heroes.

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