What Not To Do For Quirks

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I'm not an expert since people make better quirks or even better make better stories but there are a few things I see people do that's a little cringy.

1.Don't try and act original when it isn't for instance this one girl on Instagram made a quirk that was her having dragon powers which is fine but then she just added explosion from Bakugou and Half and Half from Todoroki it was stupid

2.Don't have two or more quirks it breaks the world rules nobody has two quirks unless they can take quirks or give them before someone uses Todoroki as an example he has one quirk that has two abilities they never say he has a fire quirk and a ice quirk it's he has a temperature quirk that can make both

3.Unless you want to make a weird lemon never make a quirk that is like 'Oh well every single girl/guy wants to f**k me and it's automatic!Isn't that original?!' That is stupid it just forces characters to meet instead of having a relationship(Unless it's for a villain or side character where it could work if written well).

4.Don't make quirks that are magical or break physics like a quirk that summons a Genie to grant wishes that's weird

5.Never make an All Might level quirk it just makes a character seem fake and uninteresting

6.Try not to make a quirk that's just ripping off of a movie or show there are some exceptions but I don't think it's unreasonable to say you shouldn't make a Green Lantern quirk where they summon a ring that runs off will power to make light structures

7.Make a weakness that relates to your quirk for example don't have a fire quirk where if the user uses to much power they'd suddenly lose their eyes or something instead make it so the weakness makes sense like over using a fire quirk burns their internal organs or burns their flesh

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