How to make a good Quirk or Power

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I'm not a master or even decent at making stories but I'm good at making ideas like these quirks to make other stories better so here are a few tips and tricks I want to give you some are obvious other I think a few need to hear.

Tip 1#
You need to think how realistic your power system is and what the limits are for instance for quirks you can't make a Magic quirk or a Genie quirk since their more mutations then supernatural powers.You also can't break simple rules like having two quirks or more instead think about one creative power that has multiple uses examples like Uraraka floating objects and herself come to mind.If your making a magic power system you can go nuts with your powers Stands in JoJo or Nen in HXH come to mind but they still need to follow rules established even if they are very loose.

Tip 2#
Now that Tip 1# told you how to follow rules you need to make them in the case of Quirks you have that covered being that you can only have one and they have physical limitations that being said you still need to have rules on that individual power.For example a teleportation quirk is cool but if it's just appearing anywhere you like as fast as you like that's boring so add details to make it interesting the radius they can teleport or how long it takes them to teleport again makes fights or just average scenarios interesting.Instead of the reader thinking oh he's just going to infinitely teleport until he beats the opponent their thinking about how many times the user can teleport before their tired or how they can overcome the ability.

For people making magic/power systems you just need to establish a few important things How do you learn magic/the power,what kinds of magic/Powers are their,and what limitations those powers have.For a anime example look at HXH all of these ideas are expanded upon in great detail where you know every way to get Nen and how to user it.For a book example use Harry Potter where magic is something only certain people can use and you learn the applications like you do learning about things in school.

Tip 3#
You know super strength,Cool fire powers,and other equally cool abilities?Throw those guys out because their basic and over used you have to think creatively like instead of I can lift heavy things or I can breath fire think of interesting powers that are unorthodox the power to bring inanimate objects to life or turn your body to smoke make for a better time making a reader think'Wow!I haven't seen that before' is way better then'Oh another Todoroki....'.This doesn't mean though that nobody can have powers like Super strength just be creative instead of him/her/other just having super strength he/she/other needs to gain a lot of adrenaline first or instead of just having fire powers their body just rapidly combust.

Tip 4#
A character can be written with any power of done right.I know I just said you should be creative and shouldn't use generic powers but a well written character can have any power Saitama's power is just basic super strength and speed but he's still one of the best written characters in Anime.Its just better to have characters fight with creative powers so it doesn't get boring and predicable.

Tip 5#
A power can be as overpowered or underpowered as long as it has a reason.Either to make the reader laugh or to make epic moments an overpowered ability is awesome when it has a purpose if it's just their to flex on other people's characters or make your own seem special then that's a badly written character.Again back to Saitama he's overpowered to make fun of other anime and Meruem from HxH makes him more threatening and makes exploring his character very interesting.Bad examples are any trashy Isekai series that are just stupid power fantasies with no substance.

Tip 6#
If your a role player making your power don't follow tip 5 because no matter what you should never have a quirk more powerful then the other person since for a story you can have a character completely destroy another and it's cool but if you make your character be incredibly stronger than the other RPers your just an Ass who is making it incredibly frustrating to work with.

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