Tracking Throw

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Name:Tracking Throw

Description:After touching a target the user can throw an object said object will go towards that target until it hits the targets, the object is stopped for more then a minute, or the user wishes it to stop


*The user can send messages to people they've touched by throwing letters or signed objects

*The user can throw sharp objects or explosives to their opponent which pin point accuracy

*The opponent will be unable to escape the object since it will not stop unless it's trapped

*The user can attack at ANY range including a country away

*The user is still human they have no special physical abilities

*The user needs objects to throw

*The user needs to touch a target

*The objects are stopped after a few minutes of not being in motion so if the target is behind a strong barrier then the ability will be incredibly hard to use effectively

*The objects path will allow the target to figure out their location

Special Attack:Following Pain
The user lifts up a heavy object probably with the help of a tool like a car before sending it towards the opponent if they want they can send multiple larger objects.

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