12th November 2014

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12th November 2014

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Matt: My favorite thing to eat, apart from Swedish Fish, is lasagne.

Matt: I’m an Anglophile.

Matt: Little known fact, because I hide it so well- I’m dyslexic.

Matt: I’m ambidextrous, but I favor my right hand because it’s easier when you’re sat next to someone in class. Lefties are always awkward to sit with. You keep bumping elbows…

Matt: I secretly killed my sister’s hamster when I was seven. My mom went out and bought her a new one.

Matt: I broke my mom’s favorite vase last year and blamed it on my niece. I feel really guilty about that. I think that’s why I’m so soft on her… she seriously has me wrapped around her little finger…

Matt: So much so that, last year, I may have dressed up as a Disney Princess on Christmas Day because she’d just received a Disney dressing up box. There’s probably photographic proof.

Matt: I once built a Death Star out of Lego. I still have it on a shelf in my room. Biggest achievement of my life!

Matt: I’m afraid of the dark.

Matt: I’m over six feet tall.

Matt: This is me capitulating, by the way.

Anah: Thank you.

Matt: You’re welcome, Penguin.

Anah: Out of curiosity- which Disney Princess?

Matt: Belle…

Anah: I have got to see photos of that!

Matt: It was Christmas Day… can’t disappoint a three year old on Christmas Day!

Anah: I can’t believe I love a guy who likes to dress up as Disney Princesses.

Matt: Disney Princess… Just the one character. And I only did it one time!

Anah: Or so you say…

Matt: Whatever… so, tomorrow when I text you, will you reply?

Anah: It’s 12:17… it’s already tomorrow.

Matt: I can’t believe I love a smartass…

Anah: Haha… *eye tick*

Matt: You’ve got to see a doctor about that tick.

Anah: I’ve got to see someone about the guy I’m dating…

Matt: Haha… *eye roll*

Matt: You’re lucky I love you.

Anah: I know…

Matt: Gee, thanks.

Anah: I love you too, Honey Bun.

Matt: Sweet dreams, Babe.

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