9th November 2014

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9th November 2014

Matt: Afternoon, beautiful.

Anah: Is it now you’re waking up?

Matt: Yeah… why?

Anah: It’s twenty past three in the afternoon, Matt.

Matt: You sound like my mom.

Anah: That’s the least sexy thing you could ever possibly say to your girlfriend, Matt.

Matt: She’s the only one who ‘Matthew’s’ me all the time in that whiny voice.

Anah: Matthew?

Matt: Yeah, Matthew.

Matt: Oh no…

Anah: You’re name is Matthew?

Matt: No…

Anah: YES!!!

Matt: NO!!!

Anah: It so is… MATTHEW!

Matt: Damn it…

Matt: Fine… so how many does that bring your list down to?

Anah: With Matt Kennedy and Matt Miller off the list, that leaves four.

Matt: Four?

Anah: Yep!

Anah: Do I get a new clue now?

Matt: I think you’ve had your clue for the day.

Anah: Oh, come on!

Anah: That wasn’t a real clue!

Matt: Well, it’s the biggest clue you’re ever gonna get!

Anah: Oh, come on, Matthew!

Matt: Anah Rebecca Miller.

Anah: Oh, God. How do you know my middle name?!

Matt: I know everything…

Anah: But you don’t know why a river spits out balls of fire every year.

Matt: And neither do you.

Anah: Touché.

Matt: That’ll be the only touché I’ll ever get.

Anah: So, no clue?

Matt: No.

Anah: If you loved me…

Matt: Emotional blackmail?

Anah: Yes.

Matt: I don’t like it.

Anah: Pretty sure you’re not meant to.

Anah: Is it working?

Matt: No.

Anah: Worth a try…

Matt: Did you work out what the numbers mean?

Anah: *groan* No… I tried adding the numbers up, multiplying them etc., but nothing.

Matt: It has nothing to do with math…

Anah: Then I have no idea…

Anah: Can I get a clue, please?

Matt: No…

Anah: Pretty please with cherries on top?

Matt: Not even then.

Anah: I’ll give you cherries on top… do you know how much of a big deal that is for me?!

Matt: It’s not that big of a deal…

Anah: IT IS!

Matt: Babe, you only like cherry flavored thing, but not actual cherries!

Matt: Therefore… not a big deal.

Anah: I hate you for knowing me so well…

Matt: And with that attitude, you’re definitely not getting a clue today!

Anah: Ok, ok, ok… I take it back.

Anah: I love you.

Matt: You’re still not getting the clue.

Anah: I hate you.

Matt: Right, that’s it. You’re not getting a clue for the rest of the week!

Anah: WHAT?!


Matt: I love you too, Penguin…

Matt: But no clues for you!

Anah: *screams*

Matt: *laughs*

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