(Quick question for the readers)

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Someone who is reading 'You Have ONE New Message' said that there was a delay between me posting 'days' and her receiving notifications (She's from the UK). Does this happen with you too?

I post every night sometime between 9 and 11 (GMT) - according to Google, that's roughly 7 am in Canberra, Australia and 5 pm in New York. So, when I post it's on the same date shown as the 'chapter' title. I hope you're not having the same trouble, and I hope it doesn't affect how you read/enjoy this story!

BTW- what are your thoughts so far? Any suggestions on how it should go/end up?

Oh, and do any of you have a nickname for Unknown Number? Someone suggested Romeo... I have named him (first and last name) and it is not Romeo. BUT if anyone guesses correctly, I will dedicate the FINAL ACTUAL FULL CHAPTER of this story to you!

Hope you like this... Oh, and here's the next chapter. Do you like really bad jokes? Because one is coming right your way.

Sarah, xx

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