Chapter 19

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I didn't call him that day and he didn't bother to call either

I tried not to think about it, so I went to bed early, it was a stupid thing to fight over, really stupid but with every minute that passes by I feel even more pissed than the minute before, I closed my eyes to shut my mind from thinking and I quickly slept

The next day, the day went by smoothly, not really but I didn't do anything yet it was around 4 in the afternoon I decided to call Ally to take my mind off things

"Well hello there my dear friend" she cheerfully say and I instantly smile

"Hi" I lay down in bed feeling tired, the day isn't over yet and I'm already exhausted, feeling tired from doing nothing, I never fail to surprise myself

We talked for a while before she suddenly said

"Omg there is this party at Zach's" she say excited
"Is it the same guy you like?" I ask

"Ew, used to, and yes" she answers and I laugh at her, just about a month ago she had the biggest crush on him, and now she's dating Nate I can't keep up with her love life really

"Ok?" I say waiting for her to continue talking

"Everyone is going to be there, literally everyone" she continue

"Aren't you two not in speaking terms?" I ask as I just remembered her saying that to me a while ago

"Yea whatever that's over now" she say as it's no big deal anymore

"And you're coming too" she continues talking

"No I'm not" I roll my eyes, I don't feel like going to a party fro a guy that I barely know

"Yes you will, c'mon everyone's coming, me Nate even Dylan" she say

Dylan? He didn't even tell me about it
That's weird, but again he didn't even talk me this whole day and suddenly I wanted to go now

"Ok fine, you'll pick me up?" I ask not bothered to drive myself there

"Yes, I'll be at your place in couple hours we'll get ready together" she say and I agree to her plans and we end the call after saying our goodbyes

I took a shower around 6, Ally walks in as I was still busy drying my hair

"Hey" she say as she comes and hug me, I hug her back

"So do you have anything in mind?" She say looking at my dresses trying to figure out what I should wear

"No not really" I tell her as I continue drying off my hair

My mind drifted off to that stupid, extremely hot boy that I can't stop my mind from thinking about him, he is so annoying like for real the first thing I want to do when I see him is snap at him for making such a big deal out of something stupid I said then kiss him, because truth is I miss him already

After drying my hair I started straightening while Ally was busy doing her makeup next to me

Two hours later we were ready to go
I wore the dress that Ally had chose for me it was a cute dark blue dress it wasn't tight but it has a v neck which shows a bit of my cleavage

"You'll look beautiful" Ally compliments me as soon as I walk out of my closet, I look at my reflection in the mirror, I kind of look different with my hair straightened this way

"Thank you, you look beautiful too" I tell her

We walk to her car and she start driving to Zach's house,

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