Chapter 15

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Two days have past and I didn't hear anything from Ethan, it's not like him, I didn't try to text him or call him either, he's being weird

The day went by really fast just like it usually does I spent the day doing some grocery shopping then I went out with Ally,

Dylan didn't call me either he texted me two days ago and that was it

I didn't want to force myself into him, But I missed him

I don't know what's my relationship status is at the moment, but I knew I should break up with Ethan, because it's the right thing to do,

I changed and I was ready to sleep when I heard my phone buzz I checked and it was a text from Ethan

*Come over? *

I looked at the time it was already 10 at night I didn't want to go and I was already tired

*Sorry but I'm about to sleep, goodnight*

I sent the text and I closed my eyes, I know I'm being harsh but I don't see us going anywhere really

And it just hit me that I knew almost nothing about him, but I was never curious enough to ask him

The next day I checked my phone and he didn't text me back after the last text I've sent last night so I decided to call him

"Hey" he said in a sleepy voice

"Hey" it came out more like a whisper

"How are you" I can imagine him smiling whilst he's talking

"I'm good how are you?" I asked

"I'm great, I had fun last night" he sounds sleepy

"Last night?" I repeated his words, I didn't see him last night what is he talking about

"Yah let's do it again tonight" he let out a light chuckle

"What are you talking about?" I asked him confused by his words

I heard him cursing and I can imagine him fixing his position because he sounded more awake now

"Audrey?" He asked


I heard him cursing under his breath

"I'm sorry I thought it was someone else" he sounded so casual now

"Oh" I said embarrassed I didn't know what to say I can't attack him now when he totally ignored the fact that I kissed someone else right in front of his eyes

I ended the call because I didn't know what else to say and he wasn't talking either so I just pressed the red button and without thinking about it twice I called Dylan

He picked up almost immediately

"Aud?" He said and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I felt my heart skip a beat he never called me that before and I instantly smiled

"Yea" I didn't know what to say I totally forgot why I actually called from the first place

"Are you alright?" He sounded worried

"Yea everything's fine I was just wondering if you can meet me up at my place" I needed someone to talk to because I can't figure out what's happening myself

"Sure I'll be there in 10 minutes" he said

"Ok see you then" I ended the call and I sat impatiently waiting for him on my bed

Exactly 10 minutes later I heard the door's bell and I ran to open it

"Where you running?" He asked as soon as I opened the door with a grin on his face

"No" I lied as I tried to catch a breath I needed to workout more often because I'm out of breath

"Sure" he smiled as he surprised me when he walked closer toward me and he wrapped his arms around me but I didn't protest I missed him and I hugged him back

We walked toward my room and I sat on my bed and he did too

He looked too comfortable laying there with the remote in his hand as he switched between the channels

"Ah Dylan I want l your opinion in something" I stumbled in my words I felt shy, I don't even know why

"What?" He looked at me giving me his full attention

"Ok I don't know what's going on between me and Ethan and I know you're not the best person to ask but you where there and you saw what happened I don't even know what to do" I looked at my lap for some reason I didn't want to look him in the eyes

"Well he's a dick and you should dumb him" he said in harsh tone

I looked at him and he was focused on the tv he looked upset all of the sudden


"But what? You kiss me and then you go back running to him, he fucking saw you kissing me and he didn't even give a fuck what more proof do you need that the guy doesn't give a damn about you" he screamed which took me out of surprise

his words were hurtful

"Dylan I-" I didn't know what to say

"You what, why don't you want to be with me?" He sounded more hurt now

"I didn't say that I don't want to" I said looking at my lap again and the tears were threatening to spell down any second

"Oh really?" He shouted

"Dylan" I couldn't look at him right now his eyes were filled with anger and I was scared calling him was definitely a mistake

"I'm sorry" I murmured

"You're sorry?" He laughed

"Dylan don't act like I have planned everything that happened" I looked at him and his eyes held something different they held so much emotions

"You know what's actually funny? I thought that maybe, maybe we had something special there but I guess I was wrong" he stood up and he walked toward the door

"Dylan will you listen to me please" I begged as I stood up and I followed him

"Listen to what? Everything is crystal clear now, you want to fix things with him go ahead" he threw his hands in the air as he gave me his back and he opened the door

"Dylan" I called but he ignored and he walked away

He didn't let me finish, I wanted to say more, I wanted to tell him that I want to be with him, I wanted to say so many things but he didn't want to listen, he didn't give me time to explain and maybe it's for the better. maybe ending things now is better than getting my heartbroken later on,

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and I started writing a new story, its a bit different than my other stories, it's a Harry fanfiction I hope that you check it out and tell me what you think about it

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