Chapter 25- The end

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Here you go guys, the last chapter, enjoy.

Life doesn't go as we plan, it goes according to God's plans, but whether we understand it now or we don't it all make sense at the end, and after all the pain we go through, comes happiness, and the sun rises again, reminding you that you're still alive and you made it. and sometimes it brings you back some blasts from the past, that makes you smile once again, and forget that you've shed tears at some point.

But regardless of it all, I'm glad I met you Dylan, you weren't like the others so was I, we were two different souls that didn't belong to anywhere or anyone but one another. I know you've hurt me Dylan, but you introduced me to love too, you taught me how to love, how to love myself, you reminded me to smile, and after it all, you showed up at my door steps expecting me to accept you back, because you knew how I felt. You understood what I felt, maybe you had your own selfish reason to leave at some point, but you leaving only made me realize how much you meant to me, if during this time you learned to move on, I didn't, in fact all what this time had done to me is show me how selfless love can be, despite it all I loved you. You knew I would never stop. but you told me you never did too, so perhaps we were even at that, and perhaps that wasn't the end of our story, but the chapter that leads to a new beginning.

He just said everything I ever wanted to hear.

to say I'm shocked is an understatement. I couldn't move, that's not how I imagined the conversation would go, I expected him to apologize at least, beg for my forgiveness, not ask me to move across the country with him. Like no time had past. Like he knew.

The days were passing by faster than I wanted them to, he didn't contact me during them, he wanted to give me the time to think this over, I thought of every aspect of it and I seem selfish if I say no and I seem stupid if I say yes. Because I shouldn't. and I shouldn't say no as well.

So what I just pick up and leave? he expects me to do that?  It's not that easy, and why will I do that? Why now?! Not that I have much here other than my shift at the store. But I still didn't what to just pick up and go, it doesn't seem right.

He left, but he said it was for me, he always planned on coming back, but what if I moved on while he's gone? Didn't he think of that? But what about Sam? Will he grow up without a dad? Will he blame me for that? But I don't want to be hurt again, when I looked at him, it took me no time to feel those feelings again, I've been pushing them away for so long, but how much longer?

"Audrey, Audrey what's wrong?" Ally asks shaking me?

"What?" I looked at her.

"I've been talking to you for the past 10 minutes did you hear anything I've said?!" She asked.

"Sorry Al."

"You haven't been yourself for the past couple of days what's wrong?" She looks worried, I hesitated whether I should tell her or not. Maybe she'll know what to do?

"I'm not leaving you until you tell me." She added.

"Ok, so the other day-" I started telling her. I needed someone else's opinion

"Are you serious?!" She was shocked.

"Yes, I don't know what to do Al, the thing is not only about me now, I don't want Sam not get to know his father because of my selfishness." I covered my face with my hand.

"You still love him?" She asks.

A tear escaped my eyes.

"That's what's hurting me the most, I still love him, I love him way too much."

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